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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. well he can be you unique wee hob i wouldnt bother seperating him though mate,let him run with the pack.just make sure he getting his fair share of food and he will be fine.ATB with them
  2. best of luck young fella
  3. lol yea prob mate was tying to be brave in my post
  4. definately a :wankerzo4: and i'm sure its also illegal sort of person that would ruin it for every one else and going and advertising it for everyone to see most defo illegal mate,as i said i have done it but was younger and something i wouldnt consider now.
  5. great pics and good reading mate
  6. Fabulous documentary and I cried. But on the plus side...Patrick Stewart lives just over the field from us. really? i like him good actor
  7. yea that was class mate there funny as hell those wee ones.i would love to see them in the wild trully i would.although i would be intimidated with the big males.and well done to all those people that take the time to study and help them.
  8. your about as funny as a kick in the head Good to hear from you scothunter its been a while lol yea missed you loads
  9. Yeah, I agree with you, the Croats done terrible things, It wasn't long before that Croatia murdered 100's of 1000's of Serbs during the second world war as well. I pretty much sympathise with the Serbs, especially those in Kosovo and Bosnia. Innocent civilian Serbs were being killed by Muslims in their own villages before the war(s) kicked off. Gangs of them were kidnapping Serbs as they were going to work, raping Serbian women and cutting peoples throats. I know that the sorts of things that were done to the Muslims in places like Srebrenica were terrible and no one should have to su
  10. your about as funny as a kick in the head
  11. very true mate and complex aint the word for it.Oh and its easy for the west to demonise the serbs but runs far deeper than that.
  12. thanks fell ill enjoy watching them mate. let you know what i think mate appreciated
  13. just googled it patrick stewart from star trek YAY LOL
  14. it didnt grrrr wasnt sean f**k thats gonna piss me off lol there amazing animals glad they saved the one in snare tho.his family is complete.
  15. i wasnt take the piss i was just making an observation in fact a seldom to take the piss out of people asking a question.
  16. amazing how they have similar traits as us .hey if anyone can tell me who is narrating this docu its annoying the hell out of me i know that voice lol
  17. you know every animal or hobby i ever ventured in i always found out a bit before actually taking on the task.always bought a book or asked for advice first.or knew someone who i could turn to for help.granted the first fert book i bought was a plummer one but i got the general idea and ive always found plummer books to be quite funny at bits.
  18. you can suck my dick lol have you seen the arkan interview fell?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1M5ELxedHnA Yeah Arkan, he really didn't give a f*ck and should we believe what we're told done some terrible things. He was assassinated, shot in the head by a police man apparently. You see the bit in that video you posted up, where that old bloke was talking about Arkan's men raping, gouging out eyes and cutting unborn babies out of pregnant women. Well a pal of mine told me a good few year ago about a video where some unit of what were either Serbian soldiers or paramilitaries were hav
  19. oh right i never read it properly ,yea he will get that no problem.i must admit i have bought the odd live bunny when i kept greyhounds many years ago.the kids used to sell them at the track
  20. all you budding photographers http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/tvradio/programmes/countryfile/photorules.shtml
  21. what size of tablet did you give it mate?but yea some react diffrent.
  22. you can suck my dick lol have you seen the arkan interview fell?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1M5ELxedHnA
  23. Sounds like a good earner, why don't you put some of the proceeds towards some spelling lessons? It's not that I have a problem with genuine bad spellers, but that post smacks of fecking laziness... lol @that price id go buy them from pets at home and punt them on.load of shite.
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