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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. happened to one of my poleys a few weeks back,escaped was away for a few hours,gave up hoe of him till she came running in the back door and it had never been in my house in its life.was well happy.glad you got yours back mate
  2. now there better trainers mate I agreee dont care what a dog looks like as long as it does what it was in tended to do.my new pup has the markings of a fresian,but the proporations of the dog are promising.
  3. they reckon its gonna be 4 months before they can rescue them? f*****g hell surely that cant be right?
  4. thoughts are with you mate.old cliche but time is a great healer.
  5. watching it now,there one cpl here saying that it aint their fault their offspring have difficultys she blamed the medical staff for making her kids ill there medieval in their way of thinking.
  6. i nearly chocked on my drink there lol i hate that advert and he is one ugly annoying c**t of a man that guy who does that advert.
  7. i think its already been stated what some people will do mate...diy Fair play craigy and as a fromer greyhound owner going back a few year like,but most stuff i could sort myself but there times when a proffesional is needed.ie poisoned or breaks?just spent over 200quid for a pup that broke its leg and had to go for an operation,but fortuanetly the receptionist in the practise took the pup off me for herself.which im gratefull for although i was sick as f**k only had her for 4 days.
  8. sorryto hear that you have had bad expierences with vets,but there are some good ones aswell.so what do you do f your dogs are injured or need to PTS?and i aint talking about a cut pad or a few stiches.
  9. ....give me a shout when the time comes and your oldies can come over here and live with me. Is it a deal..? don't try and be a bloody martyr,just saying what people like to hear is not the answer,even if it was meant,never gonna happen without it turning into a slagging match,can i ask why you wouldnt even consider it?whats it to you if your gonna get it PTS anyway.as i said im not being smart just asking mate.
  10. yea ill watch them fell.better than the shite they put on that telly these days.cheers again.
  11. know a guy who bought all the sealed units from a glazier and hired a joiner they did it in a weekend and that was two doors aswell.half the price those robbing b*****ds were trying to charge him.obviously didnt get a guarantee but even still,half those double glazing firms go bankrupt anyway and so does their guarantees.
  12. My mate has a retired lurcher who fills the house with the smell of burning all winter, as the fire sparks on her hairy deer hound coat and she refuses to move! lol
  13. sorry bout the link but i just typed that to get the link the competition is going again watched it yesterday.as for not watching country file as some of you say,but me im old enough and intelligient enough to make my mind up what i find imformative and whats a load of shit.some of the stories are really good.however each to there own.
  14. trully amazing thanks for finding that.they are a trully a remarkable animals dogs!
  15. where i can buy a tiger cub lol
  16. trully symapathise wuth anyone that has to live with cancer,must be soul destroying watching some loved one fight that illness.fortunaetly in my family we dont have a history of it,but we do have a history of heart attacks
  17. Me too, about time they made another decent series. Voyager was the last decent one IMO, although I was just starting to get into Enterprise when they cancelled it.. it was great malt i reckon you will like it.magnifecent beasts imo
  18. would never get a dog that worked for me PTS sorry but thats just the way that is.
  19. yea to much egg whites can cause allepecia (prob not the correct spelling) i only ever give mine the yolks,nit just because of baldness but read that the whites can contain harmfull bacteria.before i get a barrage of abuse btw i said CAN but why chance it.
  20. Both LOL yea we do tend to humanise animals,and in most cases unjustly,however you got to admit even though they are gorillas they do act and behave like us in a lot of ways.suppose thats because they are the building blocks of what we are today.
  21. thanks fell really enjoyed watching them ,even with the usual biased bbc take on it.cant fault the serbs for wanting to defend their rights.certainly not as clear cut as the west made it out tobe saying its all the serbs fault.I do think there was a lot of underhanded dealings on both sides and a lot of personal polital gains going on,but i have always sympathised with serbs,and before the lefties attack me yea i think the killings of civillians was trully horrific but as previously stated both sides were at it.was a powder keg waiting to explode and the west fuelled the fires in a lot of asp
  22. hi mate sorry i meant ive kept him and his sister seperate so he is not on his own while he puts some size on but do u think i should put them both in now mate yea mate get them in beside each other,let them get used to each other.as i said just kep an eye on them make sure he gets his fair share at feeding time.
  23. so has mine mate,nothing to worry about some do at this time of year,should be growing back in in the next cpl months.
  24. i can't stand it when they say that either i know what i'm gonna do next time hahaha Well watch your fungers in the sliding door then mate lol
  25. you should all chip together and get him a fox call for his xmas
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