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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. recently ive collected nothing but bad luck.was an avid collecter of eggs when i was a lad,but sadly they all got broken during a move.
  2. we need more cops like pc ventrus from heartbeat .he cracks me up
  3. You worked it out though Lovely looking court. It should have a plaque on it that says " Ferret Towers " it's well posh lol cheers needs tidied up,in fact the whole garden does tbh,im trying to plan it out though,want a new shed and an aviary built gonna keep some british birds next year.Oh didnt notice the pup there lol he has the markings of a fresian lol he gonna be a huge dog though well impressed in his proportions ill get pics of him in the future. There's been an advert in our local Sainsbury's notice board for a few weeks now. It's for a huge aviary and cabin, in
  4. Laughing my sox off here, at the stranglehold to get him to sit still for a sec ! He looks a gorgeous pup though, lovely bones on him. bloody nightmare pups,forgot how much work they are,constantly having to take bits of wood and leaves rose buds form him.runs about like a maniac.must say he is nearly toilet trained so a bonus there..yea the vet said the same thing about his bones and his legs gonna be some size.
  5. You worked it out though Lovely looking court. It should have a plaque on it that says " Ferret Towers " it's well posh lol cheers needs tidied up,in fact the whole garden does tbh,im trying to plan it out though,want a new shed and an aviary built gonna keep some british birds next year.Oh didnt notice the pup there lol he has the markings of a fresian lol he gonna be a huge dog though well impressed in his proportions ill get pics of him in the future. There's been an advert in our local Sainsbury's notice board for a few weeks now. It's for a huge aviary and cabin, in
  6. glad you got homes for them richard.the dog is doing great ill post pics in due course,and that wee bitch got her op and is doing ok the practise manager at the vets took her on.so all good.she prob wont be worked but at least she is got a good home.for any lads reding this nothing wrong wit the pup health wise it broke its back leg.
  7. You worked it out though Lovely looking court. It should have a plaque on it that says " Ferret Towers " it's well posh lol cheers needs tidied up,in fact the whole garden does tbh,im trying to plan it out though,want a new shed and an aviary built gonna keep some british birds next year.Oh didnt notice the pup there lol he has the markings of a fresian lol he gonna be a huge dog though well impressed in his proportions ill get pics of him in the future.
  8. another.the double hutch is in the shed,and has connected hose from the hutches into the run.so they can come and go 24/7.
  9. not the best pic had to use my laptops cam still not got a camera
  10. anyone ever actually seen this.whats the usual signs and i dont mean nest building and stuff.does her vulva swell,and does she dribble blood.reason im asking as i said before i reckon my jill is pregnant,ive seen phantom before but she is huge and was always a slim jill.weighs a lot more aswell.im pretty sure she is.ive just had to move my hobs back together a few earlier than i would normally do.so that jill can have a hutch to her.i saw a spot of blood comming from her,and my theory is she is hanging on to her kits cause of all the ferts were housed with her.she is eating drinking and genera
  11. ill do some today.if i can work out how to upload to here.do i need to join photobucket?or can you upload straight off laptop?
  12. altberg is the ones i bought but there expensive,go to an army surplus mate you will get some half decent ones for your budget
  13. that made me laugh kay :laugh:
  14. ]] no matter how hard i tried years ago nylon needs got tangled,never use nothing but hemp since.
  15. i like him mate he is a belter,no much he wont pull down
  16. agreed he has prob took after something and smashed into a tree or simular.hope he is ok mate let us know how he is tomorrow
  17. wish i had known before forking out 66 quid
  18. the shite some companys come up with to make money.
  19. alll dogs i have ever owned are like that encouraged by me,might not be proper training but i dont let strangers wander up and clap my dogs.
  20. got a huge court with hoses running all over it must be the fittest ferts in the area.although they do sleep a great deal.great life eh lol
  21. my jills neck about a month ago was in some state,but all cleared up now.
  22. also as has been said so many times in the past, what if the ferts need vets treatment, will you hope to put a post up, asking if theres another way other than vets dunno why not there supposed expierenced ferreters who are adults do just that! not having a go but the lad has already stated he cant afford one and his parents are a bit strapped for cash aswell so they cant dig him out (no pun intended lol). i know you a have the ferts interest at heart stubby,but when i first kept them i couldnt have paid a ferret bill either.but in a situation like that we find the cash and most vets
  23. you would need to be rather thick to not tell the diffrence between a bee and a wasp lab lol oh and it dont matter if its uderground or hanging from a tree they will swarm and attack the b*****ds.when i was 12 i jumped on a tyre and the dike was inside the rim.at 1st i thought i was getting stung by nettles until i looked down.they were all over me stinging like f**k.managed to scramble away and luckily a guy and his wife stopped in their car.i was in a bad way apparently.i had been stung all over.they pulled my jumper off asnd they were flyimg out from underneath and in my hair.down took me
  24. looks like a good set up and well made,lets know how you get on with it mate
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