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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. Fair doos mate,as previously stated not knocking anyone each to their own
  2. scothunter


    who cares mate.there some on here are obssesed with guests reading topics.oh and i dont mean you personally
  3. oh didnt know bill gates was on here.the lad asked a civil question.if you cant answer civily then dont answer at all
  4. sometimes the shite wrote here is beyond belief! ferreting means just that.working burrows with ferts.i wont say a dog isnt a handy addition@times but to say your not a true ferreter without a dog,is a ridiculous claim.
  5. get an ant eater lol hope they die off for you mate
  6. whats the better gear yous are on about? all you need is a good carry box bag full of nets and a few good workers.
  7. That's just your eyes packing up due to age pal.. lol im needing glasses myself malt i think
  8. excuse my ignorance judge ,but whats PDSA?lol at a guess id say antis?

    1. CarraghsGem


      basic breakdown is that its a charity run vets for low income familys

    2. The one

      The one

      aye Peoples Dispensenary for sick animals show your dole card or benifit book and the bills greatly reduced

    3. judge2010


      doesnt work quite like that as i found out today!!!!!!!

    4. Show next comments  2,238 more
  9. well past times served us well and they got big catches.i dont like nylon tangle to easy.hemp for me and as for locators,well not knocking anyone who uses them but i think their a load of shite.Oh and dont respond with abuse please,as i said nothing against anyone having one i myself bought one after joining site after all the hype,but not for me.
  10. he does have a point though.as for watching vids like that,well its not for me.im fully aware of what descpicable acts so called human beings will do.just look at the scum who treatkids badly.not just croatia either.what about those little b*****ds setting fire to a dog few weks back in this country.absoulete horrors of human beings.and the scary thing is they are in all probability going to have kids themselfs.poor b*****ds!
  11. Id say rhodesian ridgeback,as for geese ballantnes whiskey bond in scotland have geese as guards have done for many years now.
  12. me to but he's done nothing but sleep since i got him back mine aswell but im a firm believer in a pup thats left to sleep is a contented dog in later years.there nice dogs and mine is toilet trained already lets all keep in touch on their progress will do mate,is it right for a pup to breath fast when sleeping? this is my first lurcher yea thats fine mate,all pups breath fast when asleep.
  13. me to but he's done nothing but sleep since i got him back mine aswell but im a firm believer in a pup thats left to sleep is a contented dog in later years.there nice dogs and mine is toilet trained already lets all keep in touch on their progress
  14. Ive got its litter brother and yea well happy with him.
  15. Thats a no bad time lab well@least you can say you been up to the summit.there c**ts from scotland that havent even seen the ben lol i done it a few year back,granted i went up in the ski lift lol
  16. gamebirds are classed as livestock while there penned thats why i asked about the deer. id be careful as if he shoots your dog and you got no witnesses if you did go to the police i can see which side they would choose to believe If anyone shot my dog without it being involved in sheep worrying,it would be the police comming to arrest me for GBH.Absouletley no need to be shooting dogs otherwise.personally i dont think in this day and age their a keeper or farmer would even consider it.why create a potential vendetta.
  17. Managed to get the dead kit out today when she was eating,i had a wee look (something i wouldnt normally do)good news their only two kits left alive.dunno if there was more or she had eaten them,but two i can live with if they survive.

  18. im a bg laddie and i reckon id be toiling to hold 3 rotties if they took it in their mind to take off.
  19. never a truer word spoken. must be every grandparents nightmare,or anyone watching someone elses kid.sincerely hope the wee girl isnt scarred for life.
  20. during the summer you would be surprised how quickly flys lay eggs on a carcase . . . not if your the one that ran them over
  21. f**k all wrong with a freshly road killed pheasant or bunny.
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