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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. cracking pics mate im guessing this n scotland?maybe im wrong though.
  2. lively wee bugger aint he,one bark form the big one and he is off lol
  3. glad it worked out for you despite the let down this morning.
  4. what part mate? i fish it sometimes. The part where the GREAT WHITE SHARK'S JUMP OUT & PULL OLD FISHER MEN OFF THE RIVER BANK lol its teaming with 171bers there i heard
  5. id rather read a good write up on someone out for a shoot even if it is just a cpl bunnies or whatever,than read the nasty bullshit in the lurcher section.slating peoples dogs and never giving a straight answer to a simple question.not saying all dog men are the same but a good majority are.
  6. if you have the registration and it was a hit and run why are the cops not following it up?must have gave you a reason
  7. cracking some of them.be well nice going to tescos for the shopping in one of those lol
  8. totally clint its a con mate lol oh and cheers malt
  9. Actually thought about getting one until i found out that the 1st issue was 50p then the second one 2.99 the rest are 5.99 thats 140 issues thats gonna cost around £700 f**k i could hire a tank for that
  10. used avg free for years works grand.
  11. oh sorry for the grammar mistake i will be sure to pick up on any that you make
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6i3lvXIKlU&feature=related explains it better
  13. from what i gather i think he wanted to cash in on his famous role.the bbc were saying the stig belonged to the licensee payer.court didnt agree.
  14. Thanks mate. If i can't get hold of a decent working adult down here i might end up driving your way! Haha. lol np
  15. glad you got them back mate,you sure your or your kid maybe didnt lock them away last night properly.ive donr it myself a cpl times it can happen,and you already been wrong once this morning lol not having a dig btw
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zmncl46GvWI
  17. sugar puffs i think lol i was kinda thinking that myself.or cheerios
  18. rotten luck mate,pity you so far away i would have gave you onehope you get sorted out
  19. I would hope no member on here would do that,but lately there some assholes have joined here sadly.you summed them up perfectly mate scum.and i hope you catch up with them someday.this time of the year there are plenty jills available,no need to steal someone elses.despise thiefs i really do.should f*****g drown whoever did it in a barrel.hope your kid aint to upset and lets hope he gets them back.
  20. congratulations kay ;)

    1. Kay


      i am looking forward to it but glad it not me lol

  21. yea i heard about the other little girl aswell.poor wee girl just like other girl i really hope she aint to scarred for life.mind you it remarkable what the sureons can achieve these days.me personally i wouldnt own these type of breeds but we can never trust any dog 100%.with bird on this though lock them away in a kennel and run if you must have these dogs.and watch them like a bloody hawk when their kids around.more so in the hot spell of weather we have had this past week.we all know how cranky we get in the heat same goes for a dog.
  22. oh dear two of them lol came back from the dentist it had chewed the plug off the hoover hauled everything out the kitchen cupboard and chewed up my best sweater lol

  23. im the same im out of here aswell.he clearly has come on here hoping to get respectfull hunters to agree with him to make us look like a shower of blood thirsty nutters.if so then he has failed big time.you will need to think of another subject to get your ammo from.
  24. although i concede that your property is just that ie it be a dog or an inanimate object,well that does not give you the right to to treat any livestock in your possesion to unnecesary cruelty.and i gather by what your saying that what that girl did was up to her and it was right to do so,then not only is she a c**t but you are aswell.anyway i dont think you joined this site for anything other than to cause trouble.your well dodgy.
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