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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. Bin ferreting since i was 7 and im 25 now so a few years Mr less of the smart arse comments. well ive been ferreting a long time and can only tell you what i find and i dont get young in the winter months either,get used to the smart ass comments mate.there some on here thats the only way they can communicate. Not being a smart ass scotty. . . . but this isnt exactly a winter month is it? Have ye looked outside? I'm just argumentative cos i'm a miserable b*****d who lives a lone with ma animals. lol no worries mate my bad i didnt explain myself properly.im meaning end o
  2. Bin ferreting since i was 7 and im 25 now so a few years Mr less of the smart arse comments. well ive been ferreting a long time and can only tell you what i find and i dont get young in the winter months either,get used to the smart ass comments mate.there some on here thats the only way they can communicate. maybe be because the weather is or can be a bit harsher up there as well as the attitude hahahaha touche lol
  3. Bin ferreting since i was 7 and im 25 now so a few years Mr less of the smart arse comments. well ive been ferreting a long time and can only tell you what i find and i dont get young in the winter months either,get used to the smart ass comments mate.there some on here thats the only way they can communicate.
  4. im glad im a bit of a loner when it comes to my hunting and only take what i can use.some great lads on here,but man there some argumentitive c**ts on here
  5. dunno if you meant strictly england or the uk as a whole butch,but imo dunblane has to the one that sticks in my head. i just cant imagine what those wee souls thought when that sick f**k did what he did. not afraid to admit it i was a bit younger back then but i shed a tear.
  6. very true mate ,but i find i dont come across it as much nearer the end of september.not saying it couldnt happen though.
  7. no matter how many times i come across that, young in their belly just dont sit comfortable with me.oh well that just goes part in parcel with ferreting i suppose.although i do try and start a bit late on in september so i dont have this.
  8. they just look like hybrids,as ive said before dont think anyone has a pure eu
  9. I know keepers do have a job to today and birds to protect,but sometimes they think their f*****g birds is the be all and end all and everything else should be exterminated on sight.id call it an occupational hazard and surely they must allow for some birds to be taken or lost.anyway not having a dig at all keepers and tbh those that talk about eradication of every danger to their stock probally hasnt ever keepered in their lifes.just the usual BS macho attitude some on here have.
  10. Oh yeah you would look well hunting wild boar with an air rifle man, are you a LUNATIC or just a SIMPLETON. Just keep practising archery and move to the rain forest shooting boar with an air rifle oh this site is swirling the plug hole.
  11. well your gonna need nets the choice of hemp or nylon is uo to you mate.me personally i use hemp as i find they do not tangle as much as the nylon ones.although they do need a bit more care.hang them up after your day out and dry them out or they will throgh time rot if left wet.will need a carry box,you can make one yourself if you are handy or get a joiner to rattle one up for you.do a search you will get an idea of the dimensions and types.locators well thats up to you but i would suggest getting one if you are new to the game although i must stress not a must they will set you back anythin
  12. rotten luck mate,at least the bitch is ok thats the main thing.
  13. yea mate it catches up with you.as for living till 60 plenty people live to way over that.dont know what this country will be like by then though.the way its going here maybe be best to die off at 60 before i get my head stoved in for my pension lol
  14. there no way of telling how many she will have by her size mate.i have a tiny jill i bred 2 year ago and she didnt look that big.had a litter of 14.the same jill has just dropped kits lastnight or early hours this morning.dont know how many is there this time.no intention of breeding this year but the vas hob wasnt a vas hob best of luck with your jill and your wanted kits lol
  15. first thing that came into my head aswell
  16. i like her mate hope she does you well
  17. do you seriously want some of the people on here make a carrer decision for you?if you think it was something you want to do and the pay is good,then only you can make that call.best of luck whatever you decide

  18. mines scrapped for about 5mins now there inseperable best of pals now.
  19. lol ok i didnt know that i actually thought you were down south mate.anyway good post.
  20. up north could still be in england you sacrci c**t lol just kidding mate
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