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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. think its like the scottish nessie a load of shite.
  2. good luck josh,just dont go banging around on top of burrow,be really quiet and minimize the risk of a lie up.
  3. yup sloe berries good with gin
  4. oh my butcher aint bad for the raw bones like; he dont even charge.mind you the prices he charges for his butcher meat he would have a f*****g cheek; got to say he is a good butcher I agree, butchers prices are a pisstake, I watched an old boy buying a couple of slices of ham and a bit of beef pate, £5, I looked at the guy selling it, and he never batted an eyelid, the robber. very true stealthy.i often see old folks in the butchers getting there wee bit breakfast stuff and a cut of meat and you just know some of the poor buggers by the way they say "have you got a smaller cu
  5. ill be suprised if that does not get you a ban!
  6. asked the same thing a few weeks ago mate,dell knew someone who made a makeshift locator.
  7. buy a wee small holding somewhere and give a wee bit to some worthy cause.
  8. d Arseholes like yourself that start the shite and contribute nowt but bile....get yourself a dog and do something constructive....better still go play on the road :wankerzo4: Well this will be the 4th time i have asked you to prove this bile you speak of?but yet again just a load of stupid accusations with no real substance.i have a dog thank you very much.oh and thanks for proving my point.this bile you seem to hold with great distaste well u are always there spouting your shit.why dont you just be quiet and stop trolling my posts.although you have my permission to troll and look for p
  9. dont know what otheres think,but those spate of dog attacks mostly happened in the hot weather spell we were having.i find like humans were a tad more cranky when were hot.hope the wee lassie isnt to emotionally and physically scarred.
  10. scothunter


    i can remmber watching it on the news like it were yesterday.couldnt believe what was unfolding before me.trully horrific and thoughts are not only with them that lost their lifes that day,but with the familys they left behind.
  11. very easy to call people bigots and racists if they dont share the same views as yourself.critisisim isnt racisim,its just someone elses opinion of something they see as unjust or plain wrong,and you cant blame the way some people are feeling for what is happening in the uk today,but the liberals will brand these people as racists and bigots as malt says hypocrites is what they are.they will not under any circumstances agree with your views,however think their own is gospel.
  12. d Arseholes like yourself that start the shite and contribute nowt but bile....get yourself a dog and do something constructive....better still go play on the road :wankerzo4: Well this will be the 4th time i have asked you to prove this bile you speak of?but yet again just a load of stupid accusations with no real substance.i have a dog thank you very much.oh and thanks for proving my point.this bile you seem to hold with great distaste well u are always there spouting your shit.why dont you just be quiet and stop trolling my posts.although you have my permission to troll and look for p
  13. as watchman said nowt to worry about.my old bitch had to black spots on the back of her tongue.
  14. if they werent cops id maybe have some sympathy for them. why did you highlight ENGLISH btw? there scots cops getting the bullet aswell Edited to say british ... lol
  15. oh my butcher aint bad for the raw bones like; he dont even charge.mind you the prices he charges for his butcher meat he would have a f*****g cheek; got to say he is a good butcher I agree, butchers prices are a pisstake, I watched an old boy buying a couple of slices of ham and a bit of beef pate, £5, I looked at the guy selling it, and he never batted an eyelid, the robber. very true stealthy.i often see old folks in the butchers getting there wee bit breakfast stuff and a cut of meat and you just know some of the poor buggers by the way they say "have you got a smaller cu
  16. if they werent cops id maybe have some sympathy for them. why did you highlight ENGLISH btw? there scots cops getting the bullet aswell
  17. oh my butcher aint bad for the raw bones like; he dont even charge.mind you the prices he charges for his butcher meat he would have a f*****g cheek; got to say he is a good butcher
  18. your lucky the butchers around here never have offcuts; stopped asking them a long time ago.everything gets turned into mince these days,hardly any waste.
  19. true dell never thought of that,cause the will get jobs elsewhere and act with the same attitude.
  20. Or that dog down that hole aye there no the brightest are they
  21. welcome mate.u sell them aswell

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