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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. missed it mate,wanted to see the one on gold looked gd aswell.ill catch up tho.
  2. 12 .2 kg had the pup at vets yesterday for his second injection.12 weeks old
  3. again old man there is nothing in that thread i posted was racist,yet again you just come out with the same shit.why are you clcking on this if it offends you so much/well heres hoping that drunken slumber you fall into,you dont wake up from it.anyway told you im not gonna even get into it with you.i dont like you and im sure you dont like me so please stop replying to me personally your just a boring old tramp Oh I'm sorry mate you've taken my reply the wrong way...I don't think I called you a racist...what I was basically saying was your a wanker and a coward sorry if I offended you.
  4. ffs,i didnt think the asylum would allow its patients to be on the net at this time of night i love how people predict scores and the funny thing they very seldom come true.
  5. again old man there is nothing in that thread i posted was racist,yet again you just come out with the same shit.why are you clcking on this if it offends you so much/well heres hoping that drunken slumber you fall into,you dont wake up from it.anyway told you im not gonna even get into it with you.i dont like you and im sure you dont like me so please stop replying to me personally your just a boring old tramp Oh I'm sorry mate you've taken my reply the wrong way...I don't think I called you a racist...what I was basically saying was your a wanker and a coward sorry if I offended you.
  6. lab you still whining about that game lol you will make yourself no well mate Am going to keep going till your out too........
  7. lab you still whining about that game lol you will make yourself no well mate
  8. again old man there is nothing in that thread i posted was racist,yet again you just come out with the same shit.why are you clcking on this if it offends you so much/well heres hoping that drunken slumber you fall into,you dont wake up from it.anyway told you im not gonna even get into it with you.i dont like you and im sure you dont like me so please stop replying to me personally your just a boring old tramp
  9. http://www.euroguns.co.uk/acatalog/Alarm_Guns___Blanks.html
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RF-G_1FsxuA&feature=related here found it for you
  11. sen tat show with ray mearns doing it.meat looked well atsty sure it was venison aswell.try youtube might be on there
  12. scothunter

    Nat Geo

    I'm watching Mythbusters on Discovery . some of them are pretty good I love it mate, I watch it when ever I can lol. Adam Savage is funny as f*ck ... Trying to bust the myth that you can sober yourself up with exercise - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3KCjIAhSPc :alcoholic: hehehe. :laugh:
  13. scothunter

    Nat Geo

    I'm watching Mythbusters on Discovery . some of them are pretty good
  14. dont think there are many would let you use their permission mate,they may take you out with them,but i suspect you would need to bring your dad with you.not many are gonna take a 12yrold they dont know with them.
  15. scothunter

    Nat Geo

    watching it now cheers beats all that shit they put on these days
  16. that geny came out with nelsons eye.
  17. But the reason for for you sarcastic comment was in retaliation to me stating i wanted to "experience war" the same any squaddie. And female ... ahh the joys of the internet. I think you have just ran out of intelligent responses ( not that you had any to begin with) havn't you and can only reply with poor insults. Just look how far this topic has diverted from your original post because of people didn't like what i said but could come up with a realistic and evidential responce to what i had said. My last comment on this topic, its became apparent that a few on here would strugle tyi
  18. want to expirence war?how very intelligent of you! So from you sarcastic comment i take that your saying all squaddies are thick? As that is generally the role of the army .. to fight wars ... no not all squaddies just you.and if you are a woman like your profile says woman are generally not there to fight wars!we leave that to the men :thumbs:and most who sign up do it for a career not cause they are hypocrites and just to epierence war more or less as you put it.
  19. well done mate pleased for you
  20. want to expirence war?how very intelligent of you!
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