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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. spoken like a real terrorist the taliban control over 95% of afghanistan if thats not winning what is? where did you get the 95% pluck it out you arse!oh and do you actually hunt,or did you join to have your say on this thread?
  2. hey is that ted bundy in your pic?
  3. he should have taken the shovel right off the back of his head
  4. i have never really paid any atention to a refusal myself
  5. the way he got his false passport.well someone used the very same way a few year back to get one.agreed though classic
  6. ITV4 the proper one with eddie fox brillaint actor
  7. common misconception voltaire never actually said that.
  8. cracking pics mate the wee man will be wanting a parrot next lol
  9. on the day of 7/7 visor consultants had 1000 people working on a terror drill which was the exact same scenario as the bombings that occurred that day as said by peter power the man who runs visor consultants 1.000 people kept a secret of the security services murdering their on countrymen dont be so ridiculous.i see you have conviently not answered me on the people making calls to their family on the planes that day.describing muslims with bandanas tied round there heads chanting quotes from the quoran and bombs strapped to them.granted they were fake bombs,but they didnt know that.or ma
  10. you have went from BS conspiracey shit ,to now giving us a history lesson.are you drunk?.right we get it you have mastered cutting and pasting.the link would have done just aswell.
  11. I will say this again.im not naive enough to believe that mi6 or the cia are no strangers to underhanded dispicable operations.f**k we have caused coup d;etat all over africa in years gone by.however to arrange far less execute an operation like you just described,would involve quite a number of people and ones that are not involved in the security services.so that right there makes it non feasible.they could never take the chance of some joe bloggs going to the press or having a conciounce.or worse still getting drunk and telling their mates.the best of all shady operations were kept strictly
  12. used to keep them,but half the time used to forget to do it.so havent bothered in years now
  13. exactly thank you my friend not only smug but f*****g need to get a life
  14. yea ive seen most of the BS there plenty proof that it was them and the only proof you provide is the same shit that is on youtube,by people who always look for an alterior motive.frankly i find all that a slap in the face to all those people who died that day/im suprised your not saying it was a controlled exposion aswell.so the guy who taught them their flying lessons and was lying also the innocent people on the planes who made calls to their loved ones saying goodbye to their kids and wifes and explaining what was happening,guess they just made uthat up aswell.
  15. let me get this right,your saying that those saudis and other muslim terrorists didnt fly those planes into the towers.what a load of pish.Show me proof of this and i dont mean some half arsed theory from some conspiracey theory
  16. i must admit i wouldnt like the dog grabbing them in the net if it was THAT hard mouthed . . . its just the way i have trained every lurcher ive had not to grab them in the nets prob wouldnt rip my nets the more i think about it,but just dont like it personally. My issue with the dog grabbing the rabbit in the net is that...... the rabbit is IN THE NET. . .. . so does not need the dogs attention, if he runs to grab a netted rabbit and then another comes out of a bolt hole i've missed or kicks another net at the same time then he isn't going to be on hand to sort it out as he
  17. i must admit i wouldnt like the dog grabbing them in the net if it was THAT hard mouthed . . . its just the way i have trained every lurcher ive had not to grab them in the nets prob wouldnt rip my nets the more i think about it,but just dont like it personally.
  18. very droll i just wondered didnt see anything wrong with it myself lol its the way he tells it................ but here a number for your mobile Mr clive reece 07969378750.... worth every penny..... that would prob work better as a joke if i actually knew who he was.but ok no need for the smart comments mate i only asked. hunting lawyer not a joke .... just a get you out of shit man .... no smart com just trying to help sorry.... its ok mate i didnt start thread but its gone anyway.
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