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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. http://www.altberg.co.uk/Web/military_P3Aqua.jsp i have these think they are a great boot
  2. aww it was all set to go live up your way.had its wee bags packed and was really looking forward to it lol no worries mate if i dont get rid of them,ill just hang on to them plenty room for them
  3. You'll probably dig a hole and cook ma Ducks!! You can have ya ferrets back though!! Oh and the lurcher likes Sardines for breakfast :laugh: :laugh: there a jill there for you btw think they are two weeks od today.
  4. The first highlight is where you misread, or chose to blatently disregaurd what i said, the said is you starting the sarcstic insults. The third is you saying "ok it might not be be 100% factual, but i'm going to believe it anyway becuase it backs up my own beliefs and hatred" All the accusations you have thrown at me,and thats the best you can come up with? i still stand by my comment,the vast maj is actual footage, and yes most vids on the web can be construed as propaganda.hardly calling you kate adie is really an insult and you carefully left out the insult in your first comment. se
  5. well mate if i never hear from you again,it was a pleasure knowing you just gimme a text if you feel ill and ill take your animals lol
  6. wow i wasnt screaming muslim lover.also i admitted that the vid contained scenes from a movie.so i dont know why you came to that conclussion.i would have more respect for you,hadnt you started off with a load of insults and calling us thick c**ts.thats the reason i held you with contempt,absouletly nothing to do with my vid.I would have thought someone who holds themselfs in such high regard would have noticed that.in fact someone who claims to be more intelliegent than the rest of us would never have resorted to claiming such in the first place,and also wouldnt have started of with immature
  7. ok like i have said to undisputed where are these facts that you keep refering to?i will happily answer them,and if im wrong i will admit it.have done on many occasions before.just like him you call out these accusations and yet never actually show proof of them when asked.i have no problem with critisim and if im wrong ill happily retract what i said.however its the same old from you liberal lefties full of shit. and if your meaning all that conspirecy BS as undeniable facts,then your right im not buying into that at all.
  8. f**k later on,its the punishment you would get from the courts
  9. I like how you are so anti-muslim , yet don't mind paying a muslims wages(in terms of renting his house from him) providing him a living in the very country you wish was rid of them.(muslims) How very noble of you ... i like how you were not commenting on this thread anymore,as we are just racist bigots and thick fucks.oh and yet you have been back to post several times.not the actions of someone who is more intelliegent than the rest of us.
  10. dont shoot anymore,but no matter what i quarry i do now i have always shown respect for it.its the right thing after all. good post btw and well written
  11. cheers mate we have a pets for home just down the road just another thought,i picked up one them freebie packs for dogs at my vets.usual stuff pet insurance a frisbie and booklet on keeping a pup.anyway there was a tag thing that goes on the dogs collar.you call a ree phone number and register it,you get a years subscription for nowt.obviously not as a good as the chip but if your pup is found they call the number on the disc.
  12. pets at home do it for a tenner on a sunday.im getting my pup done next weekend.sometimes they do it for nothing if there a special on.
  13. spoken like a real terrorist the taliban control over 95% of afghanistan if thats not winning what is? where did you get the 95% pluck it out you arse!oh and do you actually hunt,or did you join to have your say on this thread? Funny I was thinking the same thing about you..you spend the biggest part of the week in here talking shite and constantly contradicting your self. And your drawn to these threads that you find distastefulllike flies to shit.never had a stalker before,but your doing a grand job.im not even gonna ask you to show me where i have contradicted m
  14. if he says he bought the dog from your ex and he backs up the claim,then there probally nothing you can do.no offense but it couldt have meant that much to you if you gave it away in the first place.what i mean is,if i had to move due to circumstances i would only move to a place where i could take my dog with me.
  15. cracking wee wippets mate

  16. love pork pies,wouldnt tackle making one tho.just keep buying them from tescos.looks amazing you should sell em bert lol
  17. spoken like a real terrorist the taliban control over 95% of afghanistan if thats not winning what is? where did you get the 95% pluck it out you arse!oh and do you actually hunt,or did you join to have your say on this thread? the figure of 95% is from the western media just google it, i joined this forum because i am a hunter and was hunting last night with another member of this forum who advised me to join this forum,and i just by chance saw this thread and decided to have my 2 pennies worth i think i have made my point and wont comment on the subject any further
  18. hey is that ted bundy in your pic? is that a retorical question? no it was a genuine question changed it just for you .....guess who this time a simple aye or no would have done my apologies scothunter ,it was bundy cheers.i thought it was but honestly didnt wanna say in case maybe it was you sorry mate.lol
  19. hey is that ted bundy in your pic? is that a retorical question? no it was a genuine question changed it just for you .....guess who this time a simple aye or no would have done
  20. hey is that ted bundy in your pic? is that a retorical question? no it was a genuine question
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