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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. is there a pic of the lynx? No pics mate its in the letters section, i cant seem to find either edition on the web site either to post link. He also says that a Scottish farmer called Ted Noble trapped a puma in 1980 which was put into a wildlife park. that guy ray mears believes that there is big cats in scotland and england,im not so sure like,but suppose its not impossible for cats to have escaped from private owners.i would just think there would be more sightings from keepers and ghillies.
  2. traditional for me aswell.turkey and all the trimmings,xmas wouldnt be the same without it.although i prefer the sage and onion stuffing to the actual turkey lol
  3. going through the same thing myself at the mo,however he is getting used to it gradually.
  4. i found it strange that you would say "if you saw it,i would think there is something wrong with the dog" maybe i was a bit harsh,but i just found that a strange thing to say. Its a pity Chalkwarren took down his post as he posted a cracker of a pic showing just what i was on about.oh and i never once mentioned anything about you changing your mind,not lets start putting words in each others mouth.i said quite the opposite.im not saying my way is the right way,its just what i do.also i know you didnt say anything about training,i was giving you an explanation to your claim that again "there i
  5. my old mum makes amazing soup.also makes a great clootie dumpling wanna swap for a pork pie hahahahah
  6. no need for a priest to kill rabbits mate.and even if you didnt want to kill one with your own hand no need to buy one.any old stick would do the job.ie the shaft of a hammer
  7. scothunter


    Pope got shot during his visit to the uk. he is rushed to hospital,on the way to the operating theatre,he whispers to the nurse. "Am i in heaven"? nurse says, "no were just taking a shortcut through the childrens ward"!
  8. same shit from the wannabe hard men,if you have an opinion on an act of cruelty your a tree hugging anti.
  9. agreed each to their own,but i certainly wouldnt wanna watch that mate when i worked in the slaughter house i prob killed hundreds of beasts,but i like to think i gave them a quick painless death
  10. I hope by work you mean 'baking'..? I must apologise for Scothunter..he is a right greedy b*****d. Just the 1 will do... lol
  11. Yep, there speaks some wise words... I dont think i have ever seen a dog that has just stood their when a rabbit hits the net... As far back as i can remember(some 30yrs) The dogs i have had, and other peoples who i have ferreted with... It would be quite strange to see a dog just stand and watch, i would personnally think there something up with the animal... I thought it was instinct, like it is with us. Anyway, lots of good points, and a very true statement about taking the dog for company... I have 2, and use then both on the warren. Luckily they both took kindly to ferreting and t
  12. if that pie comes anywhere near fife,then im at your door lol
  13. me aswell id pay for one of them pies hint hint lol
  14. Yep, there speaks some wise words... I dont think i have ever seen a dog that has just stood their when a rabbit hits the net... As far back as i can remember(some 30yrs) The dogs i have had, and other peoples who i have ferreted with... It would be quite strange to see a dog just stand and watch, i would personnally think there something up with the animal... I thought it was instinct, like it is with us. Anyway, lots of good points, and a very true statement about taking the dog for company... I have 2, and use then both on the warren. Luckily they both took kindly to ferreting and t
  15. My mate has them,he kept them in the hut thing lol (dont now what you call it)for a few weeks,feeding them and getting them used to the surroundings.then let them out.where they flew onto a neoghbours roof for a cpl hours,then they hardly go far nowadays.
  16. i think you are trying to justify an idiot.no offence like
  17. are we supossed to laugh at that?your a f*****g idiot
  18. my old lurcher killed a few in her day.back in my days when i raced greyhounds.I went to a race meeting and left my mum to feed the cpl of dogs that were left in the run.she didnt close the run door properly,and a dog got out.where it duly got a neighbours cat and proceeded to kill it in front of a load of screaming kids.Cops turned up and my mother was charged with some danger of dogs act.fortuenately she didnt have to go to court,was fined through the post.her only criminal record she ever had.wasnt best pleased at the time,and took nothing mre to do with the greyhounds after that lol
  19. Its a online drug company you need, not a hunting forum. :laugh:
  20. Hmmm pretty interesting? Is it worth me having a look on iplayer thingy, or is it more bias shite from the bbc? (no offence intended to yourself Scothunter). it was a just a ten min bit,discussing the farmers point of view and the up comming cull.they also captured a few and innoculated them.but they will need to do the injections every year.seems culling would be more the way to go imo.oh and they sprayed the captured ones so they could tell what had been jagged
  21. maybe she was just pissed off at having to pick up shit lol
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