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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. Let go into the wild at £150 a go must have more money than sence if they did there is a lot of pets discarded into the wild are you saying people wouldnt do that? must have more money than sense to buy the f*****g things in the first place!
  2. it does yea,also pottasium permaganate does the job very well.
  3. then the kids will get bored with them,and they will be let go into the wild by ignorant parents.there was a craze of micro pigs aswell about a year ago
  4. kinda weirdf that,like that bridge somewhere cant remember where now.Dogs were jumping off it for no aparent reason
  5. well when i kept greyhounds i got a a cpl pts when they broke legs,was purely a no time and coldnt take the chance they wouldnt come back,and i had a few at the time.my lurcher pup i just got recently broke her back leg.Was totally gutted,however there was no way i was getting her pts even if she did end up a pet.fortunaetly the vet suggested he would take her as his own,which i did and got her litter brother now.
  6. not disbelieving you at all because i don't know,but what about when Jonny kingdom had a load caught up and released on to his land,or was that different circumstances or down to recent law changes/whatever,just interested thats all,cheers rob yep i seen that aswell,which makes me think it isnt illegal.As if it were would they show it on a tv show?im sure there would have been repurcussions to the landowners and the producers of the show by some do gooder watching it.
  7. true,but the thread di ask for peoples opinions.
  8. Religion hasn't proven anything of what it says is real. Science is constantly proving and developing. Religion is a load of old SHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! couldnt agree more. when u mention dinasaurs to a religious person,its just a lot of er ums you get from them,or the classic.they are fake to discredit god.we know where we come from and it wasnt from a rib or some other fairy tale written by man.nothing in the bible is true,therfore how can i believe in its teachings.
  9. i see he has been online.wonder if he has been in touch with the lad.
  10. after watching that,i wouldnt fancy going there either.
  11. Been sky plussed for a couple of days now........Gervais and Merchant are geniuses! totally agree lab,but pilkington (got a head like a f*****g orange) just cracks me up
  12. if there anything like the kids round this way,it wouldnt be a toy/10 fags and a half bottle of buckfast would be more approriate lol
  13. Anybody else gonna watch it?looks pretty good going by the previews. sky1 9pm
  14. glad she is back where she belongs mate
  15. Calum, This is simple now. The bank will not give you his details and even if they did what could you do with them. But, they will give them to the Police, I don't care what anyone thinks, he's robbed you plain and simple, don't let this go cold, get yourself to the police station and insist they investigate it, I don't know how old you are and it might help taking a sensible adult with you. Don't let him rip you, accept no excuses, let the police sort it out, if he promises your gear then let the police deliver it lol! It is fraud, he has stolen your hard earned money,
  16. Sounds like you've been seriously shafted mate, not sure how you'd go about resolving this one.. f*****g raging here and its not me thats been ripped off.what a dirty b*****d.and i dont suppose there is anyway you can trace an adress through account details.maybe someone knows the law better than me,but surely he obtained the lads money through fraudelent means?dunno just guessing here.
  17. Used to own a thourghbred greyhound black bitch.its soul was as black as her.seriously good dog and won a few quid for me,but it was f*****g crazy.used to do somersaults in the air when it was on a lead if it saw anything it wanted to chase,screaming like a banshee.then it would bite any other dog next to it out of frustration or me.got a [bANNED TEXT] cpl of sore bites of that bitch.never owned a dog that broke from a trap as she did.broke its leg in a race.regret i never took pups from that bitch..
  18. so he has sent you a carrying box and 7 nets?thats f*****g out of order,what a c**t imagine ripping of a young lad.no excuses either saying the lad misunderstood,he is new to ferreting,why would he want collars (which he hasnt even got) without a locator.and wheres the other 33 nets and gate nets?give the lad his doe back!
  19. yea i thought that was kinda suss been on a year and not one post.he is 66yrold going by his profile.surely he wouldnt rip of a young lad.
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