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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. an animals mother protects its young ferocioulsy.and this f*****g cow let him cause she didnt want to lose him.beggars belief.I honestly dont understand this behaviour at all,and the sad thing is its getting a regular occurence.
  2. what a horrible b*****d!sit him in a chair and tip a hot chip pan over his head!
  3. done your fair share of death and destruction aswell,and in some cases continue to do so.as wilf said give a rest kid!
  4. stubby got one from the company to try out,he said it was eratic unmderground but saved him losing a fert that came out a hole he never noticed.where is stubby these days anyway?
  5. funny how all the cuts we are eduring right now,amounts to the same amount we are giving ireland.hardly a saving is it.dont make any sense to me.
  6. do a search derret courts there are loads of pics on them mate
  7. scothunter


    thats a bit of a stupid f*****g reply to a reasonable question wasnt it? some breeds im curious about are: american bandog's pure saluki's wolf hybrids working sled dog's working collies belgian malinois i could go on. should i just get one of all of the above breeds without asking any questions? just 'buy one and find out'? tit. how the fuk is that a stupid reply you wont find out being a lazy c**t sitting on your arse talking shit on here will you, theres good and bad in every cross or line, you pay your cash take a chance and find out for yourself why ask f
  8. scothunter


    guy asked asked a resonable question.look mate if you think the site is full of wankers then as someone said f**k off.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vO2z1fc_rMs
  10. watched all his shows,he gets a bit excited but seems a real genuine guy.got a good wee set up on his land.
  11. looks like you will need to go back to basics with it mate.start with a ball or dummy or try going out with someone else whos dog retrieves.its still young enough to pick it up mate.
  12. thanks guys and gals ill take him to the vet and see what he says
  13. You think ?? he could do with some commers and full stops and capitals. Hes not a bad lad at times. lol
  14. yea well a tad that i cleaned up dark wax,but it sounds like water deep in the ear.
  15. My lurcher pup seems to have fluid in his ear.he is always scratching at it and when i rub it i can defo hear water of somekind,even though he aint been in water.dont wanna go poking around in his lug and dont wanna go to vets and get ripped off if i dont have to.recently being doing a lot of shaking of the head.was just wondering if anyone had any ideas or tips.
  16. at least a year for me,but rudementary stuff as early as possible.btw its good to see proper grammar from a young lad perfect actually lol
  17. Just in before me there ,i was about to write that if your no fast your last lol
  18. If your mums got a history of cheating , you might get lucky , he might not be your dad . lol
  19. lost my died when i was a young lad and although we had our diffrences(usually over greyhounds lol) he was a good dad never wanted for anything.I wasnt the perfect son to my mum gave her a fair bit of grief when i was growing up,but she was always there for me and ill miss her when she goes.as for my bros and sisters they can all take a f**k at themselfs
  20. got lots of family in newcastle and my brother has lived their for years,as far back as i remember we went down once a month as a kid.there is a saying in newcastle.A geordie is a scotsman with his brains kicked in lol
  21. the cheek of some c**ts,you should have buried him somewhere in that 50acres
  22. looks a wee cracker mate atb with him
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