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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. But it's OK for that man to be assaulted and possibly killed by accident or design by criminals. Glad we sorted out which side yer on then SH lol wait a min mate.im not saying how it is perfect by any means.,butsurely you can see my point.i just think it wouuld be a dangerous path to go down mate.for the very reasons i have given.i dunno the exact statistics on the states but i imagine there are hundreds of innocent people shot every year in america by accidents or by unstable kids and adults who have access to firearms.tbh im happy we have the strict gun laws we have.after dunblane m
  2. prob not as hysterical as the parents would be if thier son or daughter was gunned down by some over zealous vigilante.
  3. thank you for proving my point!
  4. cant believe people from this country would like to see people walking about armed.imo that only leaves the door open for accidents.or kids helping themselfs to thier dads arsenal and going out and shooting up schools or settling petty squabbles with guns.i dont know where half of you lot live,but the way you make out your living under seige.id be more prone not to go out if i knew the maj of the public were armed.yes criminals have guns and we have cops with guns whos job is to deal with that,and yes innocent people get shot,but expect a lot more getting shot if guns were freely available to
  5. They prob werent even at home,away scoring crack or something
  6. well simon cowell would have a field day insulting him lol your a bad man judge putting this up mate lol
  7. there was a docu on discovery a few weeks back,and im afraid its pointless.they reckoned it would take a year and the whole world would be f****d.personally its all bullshit and sci fy crap.
  8. mind and take your glue bag.wtf this is random lol
  9. http://articles.cnn.com/2011-01-11/justice/missouri.ferret.fingers_1_baby-boy-pet-animal?_s=PM:CRIME
  10. got to agree with you there,and if you need a gun to go walk the dog or go for a run.well quite honestly id be f*****g moving out of the place. Are you not a weegie....? no im not.im a falkirk bairn lol Oh i'm very sorry..... no worries mate
  11. yea until some kid gets shot by bullets flying around.im not saying the uk is perfect by any means,the laws are a joke in some cases,but adopting the gun laws of the usa.and the guy wasnt in his house,which me thinks he went out armed, im from Hungerford,i was in the town when the massacre was going on. kids and people are already being shot daily in this country as it is. FACT! yea and i dont live far from dunblane and that psycho b*****d held legally owned hanguns.
  12. got to agree with you there,and if you need a gun to go walk the dog or go for a run.well quite honestly id be f*****g moving out of the place. Are you not a weegie....? no im not.im a falkirk bairn lol
  13. yea until some kid gets shot by bullets flying around.im not saying the uk is perfect by any means,the laws are a joke in some cases,but adopting the gun laws of the usa.and the guy wasnt in his house,which me thinks he went out armed, im from Hungerford,i was in the town when the massacre was going on. kids and people are already being shot daily in this country as it is. FACT! well imo expect the body count to mount up if we allow the same gun laws as the states,
  14. got to agree with you there,and if you need a gun to go walk the dog or go for a run.well quite honestly id be f*****g moving out of the place.
  15. yea until some kid gets shot by bullets flying around.im not saying the uk is perfect by any means,the laws are a joke in some cases,but adopting the gun laws of the usa.and the guy wasnt in his house,which me thinks he went out armed,
  16. fair doos to him,but still wouldnt wanna see a gun culture where people go around armed in this country though.
  17. http://10000birds.com/ring-necked-parakeets-in-the-uk.htm
  18. can someone tell me where they came fom are they escapees that bred or what
  19. Like i said before if you have somthing to say and its not their say it! but all you want to do is say whats the point!! and who said it was at this time of year it say run's week ! I don't fish for carp so you don't see me posting in the carp forum! so i guess my point is don't f*****g post i don't give a shit what yours do or don't do! now if you want to take part do so and post on the poll! keep your knickers on women. Go buy yourself a 3/4 breed greyhound whippet breed it with a pur greyhound so its a greyhound in all but name.take it to all the country summer shows race the lur
  20. you mean you can be polite lab lol what if they were in a gers tap Well obviously then they would be classed as vermin and be shot on site......... terrible
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