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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. get yourself over to the dam judge ;p
  2. i would have thought instead of a lot of prodding and guessing ,a blood test would be the first thing to do and actually confirm if it is a snake.also im no snake expert but dont they hibernate,especially with the recent bad weather we be having.
  3. nice looking dog you got there mate,just let him be a pup,dont be to hasty.get him retrieving give him lots of praise.plenty interacting with ppl,makes it a lot easier in later life.plenty good books on the market and if in doubt just ask on here.atb with him
  4. Was only working in them though Was offered a full time job in The Mount, but no way I could have handled being locked up for 9 hour a day. what were u working as inwoodhill is paddy dave the maintenance man still there ? Pest control contract, was always a bit weird to look across one of the yards at movement and see a smirking face I recognised, there but for the grace of god... but luckily I learnt the difference between right and wrong from others examples! aswell as how best not to get caught. Going into the dog section was fascinating, as they had poloroid type photos of
  5. tell the truth it was yearly bath in that pond
  6. I your right mate , but as Albert Pierrpoint once pointed out "Any one i dealt with NEVER RE~OFFENDED" , Look how many times in this country people who commit bad crimes are released to commit WORSE CRIMES, you have some points about guns i agree with 100% , but the legal system is designed to benefit the criminal not the victim, some crimes you read about sicken you then you read the scum that done it was on early release or paroled just think the system is a joke , though it aint a laughin matter when it helps destroy families by its softly softly approach . oh yea totally mate,you lo
  7. is it really an offence to confront a burglar with a bat or something similar.i was always led to believe that you could use resonable force if you were attacked in your home.i know if you chased them out the door and caught them i the street and laid into them,then you would more than likely be prosecuted as the courts would deem that as you were not in danger you went after them.i may be wrong mate its just what i always thought was the law. i think if you were attacked and you tattoed them with a bat,i would imagine the courts would be pretty leiniant with you under those circumstances.
  8. ah but the base camp is run by orange men and strictly no beggars allowed Excuse me...it my story and al decide who runs the base camp.... I missed out the bit where i drove threw falkirk and chainsawed you in half, you werent even a zombie yet i just thought you deserved it..... :laugh: :laugh:
  9. ah but the base camp is run by orange men and strictly no beggars allowed
  10. frsh prince? wasnt it robert caryle ahh know what you mean now.will somebody it was.cant mind the name of the movie.
  11. if i remember right about that movie,those zombies werent ur normal ones.they ran faster than zola bud and one speck of body fluid turned you into one.no i really dont think there would be much fun in that.in all probability id just blow my own brains out!
  12. HAHAHAHAHA I thought this lad must of been stoned out of his head and just caught a glimpse of a DVD case that gave him this brilliant idea for a thread on the hunting life LOL. i seen it last night fell.think he might have been under the influence
  13. lol yea its no easy bathing any dog but i can imagine a husky would bea nightmare mate.
  14. dno about that might be pushed for one of them lol that x with a decent bullx would be lethal lol :laugh:
  15. yea it might bring blue birds back to you ;p
  16. fair doos john,we all have our opinions and no harm in a civilised debate.
  17. wouldnt pay that for winged pegasus lol
  18. Hmmm, interesting take on the word "liberal" there. So you espouse the restriction of peoples ability to carry out perfectly safe practices, and yet you claim to be liberal? Prior to Dunblane and the buggers muddle of legislation that followed it, thousands of people throughout the country quite legally kept, and used, pistols. The level of pistol crime was very low, and legally held weapons were almost never used. Now I'm not saying that Dunblane wasn't tragic, but if the guy hadn't had access to pistols, he could quite easily have done as much damage with a set of kitchen knives
  19. But it's OK for that man to be assaulted and possibly killed by accident or design by criminals. Glad we sorted out which side yer on then SH lol wait a min mate.im not saying how it is perfect by any means.,butsurely you can see my point.i just think it wouuld be a dangerous path to go down mate.for the very reasons i have given.i dunno the exact statistics on the states but i imagine there are hundreds of innocent people shot every year in america by accidents or by unstable kids and adults who have access to firearms.tbh im happy we have the strict gun laws we have.after dunblane m
  20. Hmmm, interesting take on the word "liberal" there. So you espouse the restriction of peoples ability to carry out perfectly safe practices, and yet you claim to be liberal? Prior to Dunblane and the buggers muddle of legislation that followed it, thousands of people throughout the country quite legally kept, and used, pistols. The level of pistol crime was very low, and legally held weapons were almost never used. Now I'm not saying that Dunblane wasn't tragic, but if the guy hadn't had access to pistols, he could quite easily have done as much damage with a set of kitchen knives
  21. kinda like the death sentence in countrys that still practice it.it does not stop murders or crime.
  22. But it's OK for that man to be assaulted and possibly killed by accident or design by criminals. Glad we sorted out which side yer on then SH lol wait a min mate.im not saying how it is perfect by any means.,butsurely you can see my point.i just think it wouuld be a dangerous path to go down mate.for the very reasons i have given.i dunno the exact statistics on the states but i imagine there are hundreds of innocent people shot every year in america by accidents or by unstable kids and adults who have access to firearms.tbh im happy we have the strict gun laws we have.after dunblane m
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