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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. builders trying to build a roman villa,only using methods the romans would.looks like it could be a good watch.on channel 4 now.
  2. in all fairness,prob.they would do them with littering or some health and safety issue.
  3. great read mate and well done.see you were like me as a teen,to much time on your hands and handy with the indian ink and needle hahahah
  4. have done,but im an easy going guy and as long as they werent ripping the piss and doing stuff to get me kicked off it.i wouldnt actually bother mate.
  5. scothunter

    jobs ??

    hope you get something mate.its f*****g dire all over at the min.my mates wife just had a kid and got laid off last week.
  6. dam beardy greyhound x line bred collie greyhound sire 3/4 greyhound 1/4 bull he is just a pup still.7month old. lurchers are banned in holland?never knew that mate,and here is me thinking that you dutch are very tolerant and liberal ;p been to holland a few times great people the dutch.very friendly and make you feel welcome.
  7. not in the vid mate.one in my avator is mine.yea they get away its all in the fun.catch it another day
  8. they make you sick tbh.they can bad mouth our troops comming home and call us devils,and our kids are out of control.i dont see many politicians fighting our corner.its not even funny anymore.its just very very sad.
  9. lol@mouthy wee ferret. theres no just one of them either.
  10. he will defo know the scooby dug lab.i was there the night it broke the track record at falkirk.flying machine.

  11. was owned by a guy from fife,but was kept by a guy in falkirk.martin mason.yea i miss them.wouldnt go back to them now though.your old man must be a sound guy if he was a duggy man )

  12. never actually felt the need to go slashing tyres and chopping down fences.kinda aking for trouble if you ask me. nine times out of ten,the keepers never knew we were even there.
  13. what a nice wee vid couldnt understand a word you were saying right enough lol the one that got away,you just were not quick enough.good stuff though.
  14. and wear an oilskin from then on if its raining,as it will leak like a seive. not if you do it properly i meant opening wide enough to get an arm in.coathanger would be ok.
  15. I did mate,not a reg track but yea was here a few times for betting trials.nice track and a good atmosphere.used to walk the pitmans derby winner.dog named scooby.did you keep the greys?

  16. and wear an oilskin from then on if its raining,as it will leak like a seive.
  17. a friend had one square in the mush at 70mph while he was on a superbike ! 2 new teeth, :sick: spitting feathers would be an understatment, ! f****d his helmet, but he managed to control the bike to a stop even tho blood was gushing from his face, he was abit of a speed freak mind. Mon the birds!!! I heard that road kill was the place where all fifers got thier food from.right tight c**ts those fifers. They rake in the buckets for something to eat...... They find a deed rabbit they think its a treat..... Dirty Falkirk scum...... All together now.......
  18. a friend had one square in the mush at 70mph while he was on a superbike ! 2 new teeth, :sick: spitting feathers would be an understatment, ! f****d his helmet, but he managed to control the bike to a stop even tho blood was gushing from his face, he was abit of a speed freak mind. Mon the birds!!! I heard that road kill was the place where all fifers got thier food from.right tight c**ts those fifers.
  19. he posted at night when the vets would have been closed,and the lads only 16 mate.i know what you mean though.but hey we were all kids once. better asking for advice than saying "Ah f**k it,its only a ferret ill get another one the morra"
  20. there is a new keeper now think you said enough on here scothunter empty your pm,s mate i send you a message done mate
  21. on your post look at the top of page.where the smiley face is.next to envelope to the left it says insert image.there you go.however you prob need to upload from photobucket or imageshack.
  22. how old is the motor mate?a slim jim down the seal of the window used to work,but these new motors have safe guards against that these days.
  23. lol yea most keepers are pretty game.well they were back in the old days.my own gripe with hopetoun estate was once they stretched wire across the fields at dog height . there still teaming with hares on that estate aswell.
  24. good post dadioles.i was replying to ricw posting about slaughterhouses mate.
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