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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. you get a good view from up there aswell craigy
  2. what a nice gesture my dad died when i was 21,but yea we were pretty close.
  3. I knew it.........come on Bigdan, you've nearly got it all out.......you'll feel better when that closet door opens and yer out of there....... biggaydan, labtastic knows how your feeling hence the reason why he trying to help you, it wasnt so long ago that he opened up heard lab was so far in the closet he can see narnia
  4. like a dog with a bit of a brain.
  5. your wrong.after 6weeks its you who gets it back,and his name and adress is in the f*****g wallet oh and did you actually read the original post? oh and how i know this is i have handed in a watch and i worked in tescos when i was a youngster and found £30 and tesco policy was it should be handed in to the office,and they sent it to the cops.after 6weeks (i think it was)got a letter from the police saying it wasnt claimed and i should go into the police station and collect it.
  6. He prob telling his kids he cant take them to the cinema or buy them that thing he promised this weekend.or he is f****d next week getting into his work.no cash for shopping or kids dinner money for school,dogs to feed.all that kind of stuff would bother me and play on my mind if i kept it.as i said you found it on a frid.good chance its his weeks wages.or at he very least he has taken it out the bank for a special reason,as most people pay stuff by direct debit or on thier cards. TBH you have done yourself no favours by this thread,and only dragged your own reputation down.even if you cam
  7. The fellow who put that picture up is a pure nob jockey and obviously done fook all in the long term with dogs. Did you think i was genuinely being complimentary?? ........................... I have ZERO time for the stream of complete tossers who continually post pictures of dogs, angling their heads towards the lens to make the very most of any slight scar ............... Its pathetic! A working dog will of course a long the way pick up scars, more or less depending on your choice of quarry ............ to be proud or boastful of them is imo the first sign of someone who is
  8. UH ! it's a wallet not a dog ! think he meant he would try and return the property to its rightfull owner.i think you have already made up your mind what your going to do with it. if i was the rightfull owner i would not have been so lack so daisy ! p.s as for making my mind up only time will tell ! ridiculous statement.
  9. UH ! it's a wallet not a dog ! think he meant he would try and return the property to its rightfull owner.i think you have already made up your mind what your going to do with it.
  10. yea its the touchy feely shit whilst being in my precence, that would piss me off aswell.
  11. bet there was an uncomfortable silence when they told you
  12. like my wee cousin he is allergic to peanuts.used to give him a bag of revels and watch him play russian roulette.
  13. so out of all these pages is anyone going to breed thier dog with it?
  14. sorry just read your post again,his address is there.id give him a call mate.as jigsaw said,you dont know his circumstances and he might have kids to feed and stuff.also think of all the hassle he going to have getting new cards and shit.he might be a total cock and dont deserve it back,but then again might suprise and slip you a few quid,and make you feel better about yourself for doing the right thing.dont get me wrong i have found the occasional ten and twenty in clubs when i did the doors,and those went right in my pocket,stupid piss heads should take care.but you know who it belongs to.
  15. tell the truth they dont go lamping with you or invite you to thier house cause your a moaning faced c**t.
  16. depends how flush i was technically its theft by finding if you keep it.ive lost money,phones and a cpl wallets over the years.never seen any of it again.if there is a good few notes in it,he might give you enough to buy the nets as a reward.then again might not give you f**k all.friday could be his wages.its a dillema.no one can answer that but you mate.at the very least get yourself and the wife a takeaway lol is his adress and stuff there
  17. 8 years jai? Serious matey. I've cut with a scissors so i don't look like moses, but my face hasn't seen the light of day in the last 8 years. lol keeps you warm though i bet in this shabby weather Yes mate i let it grow and feel like a polar explorer. Down side is when the mist freezes on it Also i am a little concerned as i don't remember what my face looks like!
  18. 8 years jai? Serious matey. I've cut with a scissors so i don't look like moses, but my face hasn't seen the light of day in the last 8 years. lol keeps you warm though i bet in this shabby weather
  19. its never easy is it mate.hate to see them go,more so when its before thier time.
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