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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. never heard of this mate can you alabarate sounds good used to use the stimsonic on injured greyhounds or to take out injuries.but its not for the amateuer.take it to someone who knows how to use the machine. sorry didnt read that post correctly,never noticed it was for cut pads.good tip for hardening the pads is pottasium permanganate.turns there feet brown for a bit,but works great for dogs prone to splitting pads.
  2. mine gets either scrambled eggs in the morning or sardines,minced chicken or beef,with brown bread and chudleys as a mixer with rice.also goats milk.not to mention table scraps at times.
  3. as above,its very dodgy when a human gets it,never mind a d
  4. never felt the need to do it either.many years ago i did it the odd time with racing greyhounds to give them a kill.In hindsight there was prob no need to do that either.as it can work either way with a racer.makes them shoot the boxes a bit faster,or the flip side made them sleep in the box for that split second.no good if you had doe on it at the time.
  5. lol oh you know who it was directed at mate ;p

  6. scothunter


    many is that you have had this morning
  7. whole catholic faith is a farce imo,half the preists cant live up to there morals didnt realise they had morals.
  8. i really hope you dont lose your dog,and someone adopts your way of thinking.
  9. sounds like a pack of lies to me lol ive never heard the cops offering money before.its usually.we will make enquiries,and you never hear from them again lol
  10. im the same and no you aint in the minority mate.just them trying to get the public to call the cops when they see a guy with a running dog anywhere near a f*****g field.scare mongering the public,and making them think gangs of drugged up lads are gonna break into thier homes and murder them in thier beds,and leave dead hares all over the place.really pisses me off when i hear shite like that.
  11. very imformative mate.really enjoyed reading that used to take the odd salmon now and again with a gaff.not to sell on,just for self.
  12. wouldnt worry,they will prob not ask you again,when they find out you put this thread up lol
  13. wonder how much of the filming crews gear went missing,when they were making the documentary
  14. they sold the country out a long time ago.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3ZIepNYo-s&feature=fvw :censored:could they have painted a blacker picture of lurcher owners. f*****g house breakers.cheeky b*****d
  16. was a classic movie that.Although its a myth that they all saluted the british on the hill.
  17. I knew it.........come on Bigdan, you've nearly got it all out.......you'll feel better when that closet door opens and yer out of there....... biggaydan, labtastic knows how your feeling hence the reason why he trying to help you, it wasnt so long ago that he opened up heard lab was so far in the closet he can see narnia Says Scothunter whos been shot over more times than Sarajevo......... you got a book of they one liners lol
  18. was never into comics as a kid,only thing i collected was birds eggs,and they all got smashed when we moved
  19. well done you mate,they look happy enough and prob learning a lot more than they would at school.also peace of mind they aint getting thier wee lifes made a misery by bullies.wish i had been.hated school with a passion.eventually got kicked out of two of them lol just a point do you need to have qualifications or permission from the education board?
  20. Just back from walking the dog.got down to the canal toe path and there 3 young lads 2 older ones must have been about 11 and the wee one would have been 6 if he was a day.well there they are walking out on the frozen canal.which is that watery looking ice in process of melting.now normally i dont speak to kids if im out walking actually avoid them.but with them doing this i stopped and told them to get off and get back down the road,as if that ice breaks your goners.they did and were actually pretty civil.my point is dont parents actually care or know where theier kids are these days.you woul
  21. anyone asks just say your doing it for the council
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