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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. no need,i just asked what i wanted to know on here,and got an answer no prob. oh and tbh i dont want to associate with them,same as they prob dont want to associate with me.i may be wrong.but just theway i see it.
  2. ask a butcher if he wants it,or a garage for oil spills
  3. our council has them on a bit ground,been there for years.they havent been moved on.they even built them brick toilets and wash rooms.still didnt move then on even when they stripped all the copper from them.i dont understand if the coucil allocate a designated area for them,why would they move them on?there must be a reason.
  4. aint that the truth,proper rotter she certainly likes the sun beds thats for sure lol maybe a traveller could explain something to me. if your travellers,why would you stay in the one place for 6years?its hardly travelling is it? not a dig im genuinally interested. our coltuer is dying out there forcing us to settle but when we do settle on a site they evict us . i see cheers for answering that.well welcome to our world,they have been killing our culture for years now.
  5. thank god for the remote :laugh: :laugh:
  6. there more f*****g lights on her,than was on my xmas tree
  7. :thumbs: there is no better feeling when your home grown pups get there 1st rabbit and youu know things can only get better. its a great feeling mate
  8. aint that the truth,proper rotter she certainly likes the sun beds thats for sure lol maybe a traveller could explain something to me. if your travellers,why would you stay in the one place for 6years?its hardly travelling is it? not a dig im genuinally interested.
  9. id prob see them before they saw me,as i know my ground i hunt on.
  10. I understand what your sayin but got 2 other dogs (just pets ) and i can lamp with other dogs with no problems. could just be she didnt like that particular dog.its like us we dont like everyone we meet lol
  11. sqaure sausage, tottie scone an real black pudding on a crispy roll, washed doon wae a diet irn bru all sounds good,except the tattie scone,which id replace with a fried egg diet uirn bru is all i drink.hate tea coffee.orange juice.if diet bru went out the game the morra id die lol my old mum m,akes an amazing clootie dumpling,but i can only eat it when its warm.when it goes cold lose interest. Another fanny who drinks diet....................Man up eh....... i honestly cant drink the sugar stuff lab.its far to sweet mate.drank diet for years.
  12. some dogs wont mate.you can only try your best to get them used to the company iof other dogs.my last lurcher hated other dogs.would not go near another dog or growl or bark at them.but f**k me if one came over to her it would yoke on it.she was never off the lead in public areas.had her since she was a pup aswell and i dont mistreat my dogs,she just always carried that trait.my current pup is the opposite wants to play with every dog it sees.
  13. My grandad said to me. "Its going to be a f*****g nightmare.this winter with the flu outbreak". i said tell me something i dnt know. he repiled."your nans arse can take my whole fist"! Im also sick to f*****g death of getting phone calls and text messages and emails after my dog savaged a paki to death. FOR FUCKS SAKE ITS NOT FOR SALE!!!!!!
  14. from photobucket or imageshack and when you are starting a post at the top of the box.you will see insert image its two up from the smiley face.just put the dierect link in it from the links in photobucket.you know the http codes.hope this helps
  15. Im also sick to f*****g death of getting phone calls and text messages and emails after my dog savaged a paki to death.


  16. My grandad said to me.

    "Its going to be a f*****g nightmare.this winter with the flu outbreak".

    i said tell me something i dnt know.

    he repiled."your nans arse can take my whole fist"!

  17. i know lol im f*****g nearly 40 year old

  18. lol guys a cock. he dont have the balls to pick up on the truie ones who pissed him off over the p***y thread,so he singles me out.i wont be able to sleep tonight causeof that hahaha he talks utter shit anyway.

  19. yes the same way we looks at you lot and your smack heads ,pissheads ,whores and all the other kidd killing gorgers ,but dont take offense we know you got a bad element about 65% id say says the man who would keep someones wallet.is that what you mean? divi child it was a fair comment i mean the wallet bit not me being a div lol and putting your gripes up on the board well i think i know who the child is
  20. yes the same way we looks at you lot and your smack heads ,pissheads ,whores and all the other kidd killing gorgers ,but dont take offense we know you got a bad element about 65% id say I dont take offence as none of the above is me or any of mine ,, to be fair them gypsy girls did look more like whores i do know travllers that are pissheads, have sold pot and theive so i can see why people have commented on it, and comment they will untill this thread goes bad and is deleted, i couldnt give two fucks what travllers or non travllers do just as long it does not affect me or my l
  21. I'm far too poor for Sky And we only got a free view box last year when they made the switchover, up till then it were just the four channels. We've got a telly now with the digi box built in, and there's a section on the remote with record and stuff, but when i try i just end up buggering up the settings So i leave well alone ! tbh im thinking of cancelling sky.a lot of shit and they lied to me said it was £50 a month it f*****g goes up every month for the past year lol i got a bult in free view on my tv aswell i think.god knows how it works though.
  22. never watched the first one,i may record it on sky tonight. I'll miss it because Brassed off is on Film4 and i don't know how to record stuff. go on to the progamme press record and it wiil save it to your planner.the red button to the left at the bottom of play and pause on your sky remote.
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