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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. rubbish.thats the prob far to many people shit scared of sticking a fert down a hole without a collar.can have a great day ferreting without a locator.dont bang about on top of the warren,be quiet no smoking around warren and you should be fine lad.i bought one after joining this site and got shot of the f*****g thing a cpl month later.worked ferts for years and never lost one yet.had to go back next day after blocking the holes up a cpl times,but that was on a very rare occasion. just keep a line hob and he will soon move laid up jills.
  2. there will be a presidents position comming up soon in libya if you fancy working in muslim terrority lads lol
  3. Im pretty lucky i only work until my knee is giving me jip then i take time off,and go back whenever i want.sometimes i will work from home booking jobs in for the company.suppose its the least they can do i broke my knee in thier f*****g van lol i know there will be a day when ill need to call it a day but so far alls good
  4. no its not illegal in scotland to lamp rabbits.having said that give it a cpl years and it prob will be,along with ferreting and snaring.
  5. no i think they should reintroduce slavery for the things you just mentioned
  6. Ah now the picture is getting clearer............no get milk in Falkirk naw? lol tbh i would throw up if i drank milk.absouletly hate milk.Anyway thatcher stopped the milk
  7. its a quote from the bible "The yellow hand will rule the earth" however the bible contradicts itself throughout.it also said the meek will inherit the earth.
  8. Used to buzz it in class
  9. well put mate if evwer there was a reason in keeping trident in this unstable world,then here it is.Its kept peace and an all out war in the world for a long time now.No cost should be put on the british peoples security.Some might argue that there are no winners in a nuclear war,but id argue that id be happier dying knowing we obliterated the c**ts who did it.
  10. I collected eggs when i was a lad.One day i had waded out to get a coots eggs on the edge of reeds in the canal.just about near the nest then i felt myself sink a good bit.well i had stepped onto a dead dog that someone had thrown in the canal.im guessing it had been in the water for a good few months.i went straight through the middle of it and it floated up around me like a f*****g rubber ring.I will never ever ever forget the rancid smell that hit my nostrils.i had to push down on it and step out of the dog.I can honestly say i was traumatised i must have stood in the shower for about 3 f**
  11. watched a thing on tv about him,his mother was a loony and got carted off to a loony bin when he was young.think the apple didnt fall far from the tree.he is an arrogant wee c**t anyone..remember a news man asked him a question and he went off in a mad rampage.something quite no right about him.Also that wee fat pie salmond will prob pass the legislation cant stand either of them.
  12. brillaint read and some great pics mate.
  13. oh i agree mate,id turn the whole middle east into the biggest car park in the world.dangerous f*****g place,and the root to all the shit happening in the world today.quicker we have a viable alternative source of fuel the better.then we can watch them kill each other and not give a shit.
  14. I had a tele when i was younger.............. Now theres a lie if ever I heard one. FTB lol if he did prob nicked it
  15. so what country do you reckon next is gonna kick off next.Did you see that crazy b*****d gadaffi with the brolly on tv lol bet the yanks are shitting it that saudi will be next.On a more serious note though.this could be the start of something very sinister if the wrong crowd get in.I know there are some who believe that the people have got back thier freedom,but i still think there will be no good come out of all this.
  16. used a riddle myself,great fun back in those days,nowadays the kids are only interested in game consuls.not all of them,but vast maj are
  17. .......... Slightly different from you mate but i used to trap buzzards, not for any finacial value i just liked to eat them. I suppose it was inevitable that 1 day i would be caught and as i stood in court that day awaiting my sentence i wish i had thought about my answer to the judge for a little longer......just before passing judgement on me he asked "Just out of interest, what do they taste like?"........i said "Much better than Falcons your honour but not a patch on a Golden Eagle!!!!!"......... remember reading a book when i was a kid by charles st john who wrote about shootin
  18. give the lad a break ffs. so he mentions bird lime and everyone jumps down on him.you seen some of the daft shit posted on here. to answer your question mate,when i was a lad the guy across the road from me,was very good at stuffing birds and animals.he used bird lime, he made it from linseed oil.boiled it for ages. oh and like a silly c**t i had a go at it one sunday morning.went in my old mans shed looking for linseed oil,only thing i could find was putty,had linseed in it.so fired it in a pan and boiled it on the stove.Was bubbling away like porridge.laid it on the patio to cool,went
  19. think this thread was started to cause a row.Not everyone is interested in hares though.My current lurcher is the first one i have owned with bull in it.granted its very slight in its make up.in fact it looks more like a full greyhound and if it was still legal i have no doubt it would take a hare
  20. if some of you guys have gypsys as your heros i real;ly feel sorry you.just cause they live in a caravan dont make them all good fighters lol
  21. sorry but cant stand dirty b*****ds,no need for it.Ok they might not have a lot money or wordly possesions,but no excuse for keeping yourself and your home clean.dont cost a lot for soap and water or cleaning products.this guy is causing a hazard to you and your family.id be telling him straight clean your act up mate.
  22. Err - Malt, the Jutes, Angles and Saxons were all Teutonic. English is a Teutonic language. I realise you only count Celts as British but they drove out the Picts who drove out the Beaker people. We're ALL BLOODY IMMIGRANTS!!!!! Ric The Gaels from Ireland drove the Picts out Ric, (or bred with them..) we Welsh along with the Cornish are the remnants of the Brythonic race.. I thought you were of Viking stock anyway....? f**k sake you will be starting your own nuremberg laws shortly lol
  23. i noticed that they were quite a lot gonna protest.Maybe the goverment were scared of a similar egyption protest lol
  24. Matching is a load of ++++++ ,as there are far to many variables .Dog A could be as fast as fook .Dog B could be as nimble as fook .Now lets take this scenerio Dog A+B are both running legitimate quarry Dog A runs like fook and turns the quarry into the path of dog B,who catches the quarry .We could have the second scenerio,Dog B runs the quarry ragged into the jaws of Dog A .Now who is the winner of this so called matching??.Many scinetific field reports ,claim that two dogs running on the same quarry hold up to 20%of their ability back,for fear of a collision .Now unless your matchin
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