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Everything posted by scothunter

  1. Yea the bulbs are £20 a piece and the plug is £24.
  2. Seen them in a wild cat sanctuary up here. Stunning looking beasts.
  3. In a nutshell yes. There lots of things I don't agree with and a lot of People I think are nutters but that's Thier choice. Btw in not a lefties by any stretch of the imagination but im sick of this redirect of all those on the left are nutcases and wrong. Same as not all right wing folk are racists and c**ts. Be pretty shit and totally against what they died for if we had one party state.
  4. It's a peace symbol and wasn't that why they sacrificed Thier lifes so we can choose. I won't be punching anyone over a poppy colour. I wear my poppy badges every year and respect the 11th hour that's all that matters to me.
  5. Oh well that's conclusive proof cause of a jewtube vid lol
  6. Yea but I kinda like this lamp and not seen another like it. But thanks for the reply gav
  7. Twisting thing's again mate tut tut. That's not exactly what I said. And I never said anything about Putin invading Scotland. Noticed all you russian loving c**ts were quite when those two who did it came up with the lame excuse for being here. Government listening device ! Now who's a paranoid loony
  8. Hmmm maybe not such a good idea to ask on here lol
  9. Hey guys I have a touch lamp that I want to hook up to a smart plug for Alexa. Will I need to convert it to a normal lamp before it will Work? And if so how hard is it to convert it.
  10. Am I missing something? Was that a joke
  11. Wish I knew where to buy that and actually get it delivered lol
  12. Got to laugh at these drs on TV saying"I think it's a bad idea it will harm people blah blah blah" Then 2seconds later they are handing out opiates like smarties. Hypocratic oath f***ing hypocrites more like. I get 100 full strength co codomal every week and have done since 2003. No questions asked no follow ups f**k all. In fact was rudely told by 2 different practices " you don't need to keep asking for appointments you have an ongoing repeat prescription! When I questioned the long term effects was told "then suffer the pain". That's no bullshit either The r
  13. Should stop fracking and burning gas. Just burn Fenians instead lol
  14. That movie with Matt Damon and Jack Nicholson was based on Bulger.
  15. I'd let them crack in my garden if they paid me lol There worse things than fracking imo
  16. Can't read that mate what's the jist of it?
  17. It's a shit hole anyway tacky and tasteless few earth quakes might do it the world of good.
  18. I walk a good few miles every day. Don't drink or smoke. And recently "kinda" started to eat a bit healthy after my sister had a heart attack few months back. Heart attack also killed my dad when I was young so I decided in around the age now to address it. By no means into gym or sport but let's be honest that goes for f**k all I've known super fit guys drop dead. What's for you won't go by you.
  19. Why didn't it kill the alpacas it was in the same Field as them. Maybe it's a vegan or more to the point it's a lot of pish as per usual
  20. The way they have conducted themselves the past 20year there ought to be another controlled explosion preferably from a drone into Westminster!
  21. It's the looks for me oh and all the rest you said too lol
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