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scothunter last won the day on September 7 2018

scothunter had the most liked content!

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12,609 Excellent


About scothunter

  • Rank
    Super Duper Stormtrooper
  • Birthday 12/07/1971

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    Kept greyhounds and lurchers since i was a kid. No longer race the greys, but still have a lurcher. Also kept polecats.

    Still run the dog on the odd occasion, but just for fun more into fishing these days.

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  1. Still hunting the big cats I see
  2. Yea I’ve noticed shame it was a good laugh in here years ago
  3. Im grand mate thanks hope you are aswell and the family. Just thought I’d pop in see if the old gang are still here lol
  4. Don’t see the old names so much guess a few have gone to the wayside
  5. Equaliser 3 it was fukn chronic looked like densely had a stroke
  6. Good to see this is still a thing . Sorry to hear about Johnny . Was a cracking lad
  7. Yea the Russian state helped him. Not been on for a while and f**k all changed. Russian and trump fan boys Yea still hate the Russians wilf ?
  8. It didn't say if the other two gave Thier wages away. Shane gave the young laddie his share .
  9. Hate them and the Highlands are bad for them. Guess it's all the f***ing deer up here.
  10. Don't have a fanny and neither did all the rest who voted it through.but tbh I don't actually care what they do over in crazy land. They are mostly religious fanatics pretty much just like the Muslim extremists dictating there belief's on others.
  11. Exactly mate. I see them and think "get the lot f***ing pulled out and get false teeth"! Anything be better than some of the states they appear on TV with. I hated the show and equally hate Kyle. Glad it's gone
  12. Use it as an excuse to go round and see his old Provo comrades
  13. Insignificant cowardly taigs who can't stand the thought of peace. If there trouble these mutants feel they are something special without the violence they are nothing but small insignificant weirdos
  14. Get loads of them in red dead redemption lol
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