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Everything posted by theburlyblacksmith

  1. I beg to differ on that one, ... go on then...
  2. I've got to say i disagree with that mate, you seem to imply that it would be better to kill a ferret than to give it diarrhoea! Although milk sops do cause this, im sure anything would take a life with diarrhoea than not having a life at all. In my opinion, culling should only be an option if there is a serious medical issue. Better to give the ferret a chance with another owner than just kill it. If it's that big a deal to you then why not take the trouble to make sure the ferret is going to a good home, rather than doing the lazy thing and just killing it. Also, posts like that onl
  3. Woah, definitly enough tits to go round then! Not very likly they'll all survive im afraid, but hope they do ok.
  4. As long as you dont mind what colour the kits will end up being then its no more risky than breeding two the same.
  5. I take it in the first pic, that on the tin-foil is what you're feeding them, what is it?
  6. Having searched various sites on the web i've found very little on this topic and everything i did find, has been different from everything else. Anyway, being only 15, parents arn't sure whether im old enough (legally) to own an air-rifle. What do you guys know of the laws regarding this? Cheers
  7. Getting two (male) ferrets and want to have them castrated. Obviously prices will vary, but how much does it roughly cost to have done by a vet? Cheers
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