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Everything posted by dave1372

  1. ....I agree with the above. The police seem to be being a bit harsh. I suggest you do seek some professional advice, even if you have to spend a few hundred quid on a lawyer is not bad if you are serious about your sport or inheriting guns worth a lot more.
  2. Nah, the feed belts get clogged up with mud to easy, you need to mount them higher up on a rig :11:
  3. Don't know if this is any good to anyone, thought I would paste the link anyway: http://www.madringtones.org/tone/536761-Buttolo-Blatter-Call-Sounds
  4. I came across this simple wooden ladder and platform high seat in a wood the other day, it looked like it hadn't been used for a while but maybe it was effective in its day
  5. Yep, I can see what you mean Martin, in the original photo it was defintiely not in the right place.....looked like it was in someones garden, I am glad you went with moving it to the woodland area instead . Good job, nice location, has it paid dividends yet.
  6. ....no problem.....I could do with the help, they are a bit of handful.
  7. Here is a pic I took of a few pals whilst out with the guns during the hotspell :
  8. ...if it is only a monocular to be used for spotting rather than to attach to your scope then you could try something like the Yukon digital Ranger 5x 42 http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?q=yukon+ranger+5x42&hl=en&prmd=ivns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1440&bih=775&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=9220236552514300177&sa=X&ei=3jE1TquhOtH1sgaFoei6Ag&ved=0CFQQ8wIwAA You would need to allow an £100-£125 for a laser IR for it but that is good enough for spotting foxes out to 300-400 yards in the right conditions.I have one for spotting and then I
  9. .....I might try your advice on my Webley & Scott 810f, as it turned to shit in terms of cycling cartridges and I just stopped using it and treated it as a guests gun' and went back to using my beretta 686 o/u instead. If it is a common problem with the maxus you should youtube how you solved it and that would help a lot of others in your situation.
  10. From what you read in the forums, in my opinion when it comes to.22lr for hunting rabbits etc % of folk seem to have either a CZ of some description, CZ452 or a Ruger 10/22. But don't be too harsh on yourself we all make mistakes....its whether we learn form them that counts
  11. ......ditch your s410 and get your FAC on the go......you will wish you had done it sooner
  12. .....like your style, did you manage to plug any foxes
  13. http://performanceto....com/index.html If you were flush with cash and you could buy any two vehicles off this website what would you go for? To get the ball rolling I think I would go for this : and this:
  14. I am not out as much as I would like to be lol! Nailed several cubs over the last few weeks , just never posted the pics up because there are so many righteous people and general shit stirrers on the forum these days :wankerzo4: . I have had a few pics that would have been nice to put up, a bit gruesome but nice shots . How are you getting on compared to last year?
  15. Welcome to the THL. A wealth of knowledge to be found on here and just remember to ignore the pricks who leave negative comments.....they are generally sad losers.
  16. Welcome to THL With your current list of activities and now getting a shotgun I hope you have enough cash to fund it all lol!
  17. Yep....can't say what time of year it was but knowing what I know about roe deer now I imagine it would have been around August. It quite caught me by surprise to see a roe deer
  18. If you could have your choice of breed for stalking deer what would you choose and why? I have only very recently taken up stalking and I am intrigued by the ability of deer dogs for pointing etc.
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