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Everything posted by dave1372

  1. Saw this article in the Scottish Sun today :Foxes Blasted by Golf Club Snipers A bit over the top if you ask me. Lets see how some of the do gooders would feel if they had foxes roaming in their gardens damaging their lawn! Imagine the grief a golf club would get if they used snares and say snared a badger by accident! Poisoning isn't exactly painless. Given the option I am sure a fox would prefer a bullet!
  2. Just be honest! Chances are they will either already know or find out anyway, if you lie you need to be a damn good liar!
  3. Each to their own but I went for 22-250 as when used for foxing upto 300 yards it is pretty much just point and shoot, you don't really have to think about holdover because it shoots so flat, aim for the largest centre of mass you can see and over it will go. And the added advantage is in Scotland it is a legal calibre for Roe Deer. There isn't a right answer i suppose just a few personal preferences!
  4. Nice photos, looks like there are some nice places to build hides and ambushing some foxes. Good luck.
  5. Jesus.....the top one looks more like a wolf lol! Did you get chance to weigh it?
  6. I am thinking of getting some shooting sticks, first question is for a budget of £40 should I go for bipod or tripod. second question does anyone have any recommendations for any and advice on which ones I should give a miss. Cheers.
  7. As soon as you turn it off you should put the lens cap back on. Or are you saying you just turn it off and dont put a lens cap on it at all? My understanding depending upon the tyoe and quality of the tube is not so much that it does damage to the tube but reduces the lifespan of the tube quite alot.
  8. I have two CZ452 5-Shot Metal Magazines .22lr for sale £15 each (posted). Payment via Paypal only. NOW SOLD
  9. If you have the budget my advice would be to jump to Gen 2, Gen2+ as sooner or later you will want one anyway, it is the natural progression! If you are only shooting with air rifles then Gen 1 with alaser IR should do fine. What distances are you going to shoot?
  10. That is a good mixed bag ... I would be well happy with that.
  11. If he has a bed by the window maybe one of you could smuggle in a quiet .22lr, probablly a few urban foxes milling round by the hospital. Personally I would rather eat a fox than the hospital food. Hope he is back up to full fitness soon. ATB.
  12. Back out tonight so hopefully more! Trying some sardines as bait this time.
  13. Got two foxes at the chicken farm last night. Tried doing things a bit different for a change, I smeared cat food onto one of the fence posts and left it for an hour then we drove back to have a shufty and see whether anything was about. We came along the track and stopped the car (the bait was about 100 yards away) but couldn’t see anything to start off with, certainly nothing by the bait but as I was scanning round I saw a fox heading off (probably heard the car), It was about 200 yards away when I decided what the heck it and took my shot and I heard the satisfying slap of the bullet slam
  14. you have learned a valuable lesson, dont put the gun away until you have checked all around and you are sure there are no FOXES sneaking in the back door And hopefully you will learn to keep your best caller in your front pocket lol!
  15. quote] I will call them in for you If you can find your caller quick enough and you haven't lost it in your back pocket! I wont mention to anyone the one i called in to about 30yds for you and you missed it LOL That was because the you had been showing off and squeaking in the stupid cat lol! and I had just about put my rifle away....by the time we both saw it it had started to bolt! lol! I can't get this quote stuff to work for me lol!
  16. Truthfully, it will be extremely unlikely your application will be unsuccessful. On more than one occasion you have shown poor judgement ie drink driving and assault. END OF STORY. The police are not going to be interested in debating whether you have changed your life, whether you were provoked, whether if was a few years ago, they are not going to be able to monitor your future conduct they can only judge you on your history. Put yourself in there shoes if you got bevvied behind the wheel with your shotgun in the back, the press would have a total field day! That said one day the impo
  17. Tried it and unfortunately I am useless at it lol!
  18. Whilst the law may be unfair, if you can't do the time then dont do the crime.... simple as that. You either have permission or you don't...if you don't you know what the outcome could be.
  19. I have been told the same, but playing devils advocate : Is it unsporting then to let pigeon land in the decoy pattern?, Is it unsporting to shoot a fox or rabbit that is standing still? Not trying to be smart just curious on peoples opinions then.
  20. This is a topic I hoped never to read lol! But you can't help reading it.
  21. Certainly not much left to put in the pot lol! Were they homeloads?
  22. Was it a dog or vixen, looks like a dog fox? Nice looking rifle, what is it?
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