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Everything posted by dave1372

  1. I bet the public relations team at BASC and other similar organisations are going to be working over time for the foreseeable future after this!
  2. Have you seen the news : click here We are all going to be in for a rough time in the press.....here we go again!!
  3. I can only comment on my Howa 1500 in 22-250 with laminated stock and heavy barrel and I think it is a great rifle and accuracte straight out the box is brilliant. I think the rifle was about £550 then by the time you add on a £250 for the silencer and £ for a bipod and a few boxes of ammo, that is you at £1k without the scope and scope mounts. In fact I prefer it to my Steyr Mannlicher Pro Hunter in 6.5x55 which was a lot more expensive.
  4. If you were specifically interested in foxing I found that 'Foxing With Lamp & Rifle' by Robert Bucknell was a good read and gives enough detail on all aspects of foxing.
  5. Yeah, good job indeed, as I am also allowed to carry this piece of tupperware while hunting: Are you guys in the UK even allowed anywhere near these? Awesome
  6. .....what the helll go for another calibre if you can afford it
  7. I am not an expert but these guys are click here. They make some of the worlds best barrels. Hope this helps.
  8. Point......Aim.......Fire ...... simple ! It is called pest control !
  9. I have a ATN Trident Pro 6x which is slightly cheaper and in my opinion I am chuffed to bits with it ,so seeing as the Mars is more expensive I can't really see how you wouldn't be impressed, I would make sure you go for the 6x mag though.
  10. I assume you mean that you can't upload pics because the files are too large? .......if so then you need to resize them, you can do this by using various websites, I use this one click here . You can save the resized image to your pictures folder and then use the resized image to upload. Hope this helps.
  11. Good going. . If only all foxes would do the same !
  12. After not having much luck with the foxes recently I headed down to the chicken farm last night to try and get a fox that I had spotted a few times with the lamp, but because of the way you drive in the approach it always managed to use a natural dip in the field to disappear and I could never get chance to get a shot at it or see what direction it headed. I decided I would need to set up some bait and set up an ambush nearby instead. I arrived before last light and put out some cat meat as bait near the chicken shed and setup my idleback chair Click here (which I bought at a game fair on a
  13. Dave I have 17 once fired factory Federal and 24 twice fired Norma factory (reload was VERY pedestrian). you are welcome to it if you want it. Sounds good to me. Send you a PM.
  14. I apologise! ......just shows how wrong I was ! In my opinion though I would be reluctant to use a shotgun on a roe deer as there are plenty of people who would help you out if you wanted it done more efficiently with a far greater chance of a clean kill..... but each to their own, if it is legal and that is how you want to do it then we all have to respect that! .
  15. Unless I am very mistaken the only thing that you would get is the jail mate!
  16. Hi guys, I am in need of some 6.5x55 brass for reloading, (please don't palm me off with brass that has been reloaded 100 times cos I will get seriously mad if someone is taking the p*ss). Rather than forking out even more cash I thought someone may be interested in trading them for a reloading/ballistics program which I have found to be great : It determines the correct powder charge (for your powder), pressure and muzzle velocity for your particular cartridge and rifle. Simple to use. Pull cartridge data from an extensive cartridge/bullet database or use your own. The progr
  17. LOL ! I did tilt my head from behind the tree!
  18. I went out last night to shoot a few crows at dusk and whilst standing quiet and patient I noticed this badger making its way across the field to the small wood where I was standing, I didn't pay it much attention and after a few minutes I heard something rustling about and had a look from behind the tree where I was standing and noticed old brock headed right towards me and just managed to get this picture when it was about 6ft away! (Apologies my barrel got in the way in the middle of the picture!)
  19. Nice bag of crows there. . The other night I went out for the first time this year on the crows. Managed to bag around 30, couldn't retrieve them all though as it was getting to dark to see where they dropped .
  20. Just curious as to what ammo are you using / homeloads do you use and what have you zeroed your 6.5 in at?
  21. The date of manufacture is usually stamped on them if this helps.
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