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Everything posted by dave1372

  1. Went to see Inception at the cinema last night ! Brilliant movie, the writer/director Chris Nolan must have some brilliant dreams to think up and direct stuff like that . Definitley worth going to see. What did you think?
  2. Thye just make it expensive to keep the chavs and benefit leeches away so the rest of us decent folk can enjoy the day without having to put up with people walking about in tracksuits with funny swaggers trying to make out they are hard as f*ck !
  3. Here is another forum that deals more with older gunmakers, they will definitely have all the info you require (you will need to register though): click here
  4. If you can't find anything out about it then that would speak volumes about getting spare parts etc so go for something that is well known .... maybe the gundealer is trying to punt this gun out to a newbie just so he can get rid !
  5. I bet you there will be plenty of these for sale secondhand in a few months times. :thumbdown:
  6. Not to fussed about brand but I like to use 32gram fibre wad 6's .
  7. Just go for something that adds a bit of movement to your pattern such as the flapper. Remember to pic up some pics for us.
  8. I find crow shooting so frustrating too..... shot 45 last Sunday then went out ot the same spot set up the same and only got 5 on Thursday ! Maybe try putting a rabbit out with the stomach cut open and hopefully that will help. Good luck and let us all know how you get on.
  9. Hit the nail right on the head:thumbs: :thumbs:
  10. It looks like the dogs dangles, I am impressed !
  11. dave1372

    the gamekeeper

    Just saved the link to watch em later, should be interesting !
  12. Here is some stuff on shell island click here
  13. The fine is rather disproportionate to the crime in my opinion ! Look at all the crime neds commit and they get jackshit when it comes to fines. The guy should of either been more discreet or found a more humane way of dispatch. Nevertheless I don't see the RSPCA moaning about rat poison that induces a very painful death....... both rats and grey squirrels are classed as pest species (albeit rats do carry disease).
  14. Plenty of stuff on youtube to cover all aspects of cleaning your shotgun : click here
  15. I have used a mates Bettinsoli and it was a nice shotgun but in my opinion it wouldn't hold its second hand value as much as Beretta or Browning.....so given the choice I would opt for a second hand Beretta/Browning.
  16. in the old days........ they used their dole money ! in modern times ....they now call it disability living allowance !
  17. dave1372


    Yep.....and this one would have walked right into me If I hadn't of taken a photo of it and the flash startled it. It just grunted and headed around me lol !
  18. Whilst out foxing last week on one of my permissions the farmer had a moan about the number of crows going about, so to keep him happy I said I would pop down at the weekend. In all fairness I hadn't been down to do his crows for months so I dusted down the shotty this morning and headed down after lunch. As I drove along the track I could see a load of crows all sitting on the fence posts by the open-sided barn where I was headed so I stopped the motor and loaded the shotty and put the passenger window down. As I turned upto the barn I let the motor coast along slowly knowing that the crows
  19. :gunsmilie:lol ...... can you just imagine how much ammo you could go through in an afternoon.
  20. Brilliant....think I am going to get that. Thanks for your help it is much appreciated.
  21. or because they can then make lots of pointless posts to try to build their credibility!
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