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Everything posted by dave1372

  1. Do you think it would see a 6.5mm hole at 500 yards? PS If you have any video clips of the other uses you can pm the clips to me:whistling:
  2. For shooting at a long range target I was thinking a GSM CCTV camera would maybe a good solution for seeing where my shots go instead of having to jump in my motor every few shots? I see that you can buy them off the internet easy enough but I am reluctant to do so if the camera is crap and cant see a 6.5mm hole from a few meters away. Any suggestions what to go for? I want to be able to use my mobile phone to get it to take a picture and either view live video or see the picture it texts me. Any useful recommendations would be very helpful
  3. I shoot at a 500 yard target and I was thinking a GSM CCTV camera would maybe a good solution for seeing where my shots go instead of having to jump in my motor every few shots? I see that you can buy them off the internet easy enought but I am reluctant to do so if the camera is crap and cant see a 6.5mm hole from a few meters away. Any suggestions what to go for? I want to be able to use my mobile phone to get it to take a picture and either view live video or see the picture it texts me. Any useful recommendations would be very helpful:thumbs:
  4. ..... I agree. I have found that pork liver (as it is the cheapest) is great. It stinks anyway but even more when you just leave it in the packet for a few days. On oneoccasion I have forgotten this until the packet literally expanded until it burst open and I wondered what the hell had I left dead in the car lol ! Then realised it was the bait.:sick: :sick:
  5. Just came across this link on the news : click here More bad press for foxes....luv it:thumbs:
  6. Nah, not really that was the last time I was out for foxes was Sunday ! Had a lot on this week.
  7. Try looking at these videos by danebrewer10 , he has done 3 or 4 ! Fair play to the boy ! Respect :thumbs:
  8. I know someone who once mixed up their viagra with their sleeping pills and instead of forty winks he had forty :wankerzo4:
  9. Poultry work is eggxtremely difficult to get into these days:whistling:
  10. .....that beast is huge looks like a .50 cal wouldn't have dropped it with the first shot :11:
  11. I would have done the same and maybe tried to have spoke to the guy so you could swap phone numbers to let each other know when you are out shooting, a lot safer that way, particularly if you are a ginger head ....he may think you are a fox:tongue2: . I would now speak with the adjacent landowner and let him know who you are and let him know it is for each others safety you would like to contact the other shooter.
  12. Pedant. Think that sums it Nope. See some people think that you just get your firearms licence, and then you can go out and buy whatever guns you like. Thought it was important to point out that you needed it specifically conditioned on your certificate! So ner ner ne ner ner! :11: :11:
  13. just make sure you mobile phone camera works:thumbs: .
  14. .....a picture says a thousand words:thumbs: . Good luck next week then.
  15. .....we've already been througt this before check your previous posts on NV:thumbs: It is also on the bootom of my signature
  16. Nice one......did you use NV I recall you were looking to get some NV scopes?
  17. Great going. :thumbs: It looks kind dark in those photos......and your right knee is still wet after taking the first photo
  18. whilst out and about today I saw these mushrooms growing on this tree and they seemed to be all the way up the tree ! I have no idea about fungi and I am curious whether they are edible and what they are called. They did appear to have a slimy apprearance which I assume meens they are inedible? I also spotted these, what are they:
  19. Didn't get out last week as I did my back in:wallbash: , so I was looking forward to a good mooch about tonight. Headed down to the chicken farm as I had seen at least 3 foxes mooching about last time and never get a shot at them. Went straight up to my favourite field and hung the remote u-caller on the wire fence about yards away and no sooner than I had put on the rabbit distress call a vixen came right into the call. She was mighty quick as I had just scanned the field with the NV and never saw her ! One shot to the engine block did the trick :
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