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Everything posted by dave1372

  1. What are you using it on ... a rimfire or centrefire? What distances are you hoping to shoot your quarry at? How much are you prepared to spend ? - VITAL QUESTION ....answer those and thats the starting point.
  2. ....is it just me but my understanding is the yanks sometimes wear orange so they don't end up shooting each other !......how mental is that :wallbash: I can't believe that they would shoot at something they couldn't see :cry: . Remind me never to take a yank shooting in the UK
  3. You can put your cabinet in the loft and bolt it to the floor joists.
  4. ...nice.....how much did that rush you?
  5. .... I reckon it could be a genetic flaw....bit like being a ginger
  6. ....with weather like this there ain't much else to do except see whether other people are having better luck
  7. ...sounds like it is tough times out there for quite a few of you. ....anyone tried getting one of the mods to add a JOBS WANTED/WORK OFFERED section somewhere on the forum.... I noticed something similar on another forum ?
  8. .....if it had been in front of my car I wouldn't of stopped . It is surprising how badly disfigured her face is in the picture :tongue2:
  9. WHATS WORKING FOR PEOPLE NOW DAYS might have helped if you put up dogs doing fox in ireland as there might be few young lads or guy,s not so bright on dont pick up on your post and add few pic,s from other places mate thats all cheers good luck with your topic be safe .....HE DID PUT 'IRELAND ONLY' RIGHT AT THE TOP OF HIS POST ....IT IS NOT HIS FAULT PEOPLE IF THE GUYS IN THE REST OF THE UK ARE EITHER TOO STUPID OR LAZY TO READ HIS POST. Good luck to him and hope he is havin a crackin season .....more pics please. If people don't realsie the law is different then em ! He is doi
  10. http://www.youtube.c...player_embedded
  11. WHATS WORKING FOR PEOPLE NOW DAYS might have helped if you put up dogs doing fox in ireland as there might be few young lads or guy,s not so bright on dont pick up on your post and add few pic,s from other places mate thats all cheers good luck with your topic be safe .....HE DID PUT 'IRELAND ONLY' RIGHT AT THE TOP OF HIS POST ....IT IS NOT HIS FAULT PEOPLE IF THE GUYS IN THE REST OF THE UK ARE EITHER TOO STUPID OR LAZY TO READ HIS POST. Good luck to him and hope he is havin a crackin season .....more pics please. If people don't realsie the law is different then em ! He is
  12. If you are going to try and have a go yourself then try www.moonfruit.com , its free and relatively easy to use if you know how to cut and paste etc.
  13. .....nobody took your bait ....maybe works on the dog or general forum but not this one
  14. ....why let the fox get all the rabbits ...... shoot the fox and then shoot the rabbits, twice as much fun
  15. .... hope whoever she is that she looks after the kid a bit better in future....could of been nasty http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJYl-kX2G3I
  16. ......fair play to you, nowt wrong with 10 bunnies ....thats £15 from the game dealer.
  17. ...what a nice pair I would love to get my hands on a pair just like that .
  18. Like you said with NV 6x magnification there isn't much of a target when they are beyond 200 yards . If I had to guess I reckon 70% of the foxes I shoot are under 100 yards, 20% between 100-150 yards, and only 10% 150 -200 yards. I know what you are saying about NV making the rifles heavy.....no chance of taking standing shots freehand unless you are built like a brick sh*t house ... I ended up buying a Yukon Digital Ranger 5x42 and added a IR laser to it....its ok but maybe not upto the standard of Gen2_ with laser....you could try looking at the next model up and asking about the Ranger
  19. I did get that fox with the NV but to spot it I was using the lamp as I was driving. How you finding using your NV compared to ordinary lamping? I haven't been out that much recently with work,weather and stuff so I hoping to get crackin in Feb.... have you been gettin much yourslelf?
  20. Cracking shooting nad nowt wrong with thewrite up Billy . Hopefully that means things are on the up in general now . I am hoping for a hard frost next weekend so we can get a wee drive about the farm if you head over this way. Its p*ssing down again here tonight
  21. Just picked this off another website if that helps; Adopt your standard prone/lie down shooting position.Prone is the best way as if you test shoot from standing or kneeling positions you waver more and it's harder to do a "true test". Make sure your windage and elevation turrets are ready for adjusting i.e., caps removed. [*]Draw 1 or 2 small dots on a piece of cardboard about 6.5cm apart vertically. There's no precision to this step. You just want enough room on the target so no shots are lost. At 10 feet, they can't go too far. If your scope has parallax adjustment, adjust it a
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