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Everything posted by guns

  1. I loved my tx till I had my hw97 tuned to me the. Hw a far better gun to but that's just to my opinion but the tx is a cracking gun
  2. I got a hawk nite eye digi ir on my hw97 its not bad but just seen my mates pro staff its mint pal
  3. No need.mate.just get stage 2 pal
  4. I agree si I'm getting better groups at range than my mates pcp
  5. Its ok mate had a rabit last night 52yards with the hw97kt 22 the more I shoot this gun the more I love it selling the rapid 17 now but still going to keep my hw100 177 lol
  6. it is mate haven't picked up my pcps since I had it. Back can't thank tony a nuff sending my hw80 off next week for stage 2 as well
  7. Its stage 2 mate best £ 130. I spent the gun is spot on
  8. I just got my hw97kt back from sfs after.having a stage 2 tune 5p groups at 30yards no problem mate
  9. Lovely stock mate I'm looking for one for my rapid 17mk1 sorry to ask but how much mate pm me if you like stunning looking gun you got pal all the best guns
  10. Tracer Max pro mate for air guns up to 243 mate
  11. Good shooting lads keep up the good work
  12. Thanks si and nice pick Carl the rapids looking lovely haha still can't wait for the hw97kt back as the pcp lacks sole haha
  13. It was a good day mate my feet still hurting lol we take the terriers up Sunday to sort Charlie out lol you going to darts phone me after pal
  14. Due to financial reasons got to sell my tx200hc 22cal simons scope silencer sling bag 300 if any one interested call me on 07907246623 its a mk4 thanks
  15. Good shooting mate call up my house after if your up for a bit of bunny bashing
  16. I was thinking of superdomes as they did well in my hw77k ill pick a tin up tomorrow cheers mate all the best Guns
  17. good shooting britz boy sorry i missed your call. up for a bit on the pigeons Sunday if you want wuss
  18. cheers mate ill get a tin of field and target and see how they perform
  19. hi lads what pellets do you find best in the TX200 im using air arms at the moment but going over the gun shop tomorrow to pick a few different tins of pellets up what do you reckon is worth a try all the best Guns.
  20. Havent got a camera sorry mate ill see if I can borrow my girlfriend's and post some.
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