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Everything posted by Leadhead

  1. A friend had a terrier go missing a few weeks back 9th March. He wasn't sure at the time if it had wandered of (doesn't normally go far) or got stuck to ground. Had a walk round the local spots with a friends terriers to see if had got stuck and no sign. Anyway last night sometime not sure of the exact details his lurcher goes missing. Too much of a coincidence!! If anyone has any information please pm me. The dogs have both gone missign from a farm on the Derbyshire/Staffordshire border between Ashbourne and Uttoxeter. A neighbour mentioned that they might have seen a white combi
  2. I was really quite interested but how can you call these dogs 100% rabbiting dogs? Looked up your profile and noticed the dam was a pup last summer and the sire was bought 2 months ago so you havent even seen it work a season? Sorry I know you said if not interested keep your comments to yourself but what the f**k is this breeding all about. Was interested but just another let down!
  3. Been looking for something of this breeding for a while now but struggling to find pups out of decent working stock. Could you let me know how old are the dam and sire, what work do they do and are the parents both owned by you? Thanks
  4. The real question is why do the dogs get passed on. Mainly because they are shit. Why are they? Because the individuals responsible have not put the time in to make sure the dog makes the grade. it is very easy to blame the dog and these individuals will more than likely find the same problem with the next dog and the next dog. I can understand a dog jacking on stuff that bites back but even then it should make the grade as a lurcher of some sorts whether it be for mooching or rabbiting etc. Like I say nine times out of ten you should look at the owners to find the fault n
  5. I thought that cooked chicken and rabbit bones were not suitable to give dogs as they splinter? Would have thought they were better fed raw!
  6. There was quite a good thread on airgun bbs somtime back and it was suggested that if you only charge to 160 (on the 177 carbine) you would get better consistency and still get up to 40 shots. Having tried it out i would tend to agree. I now never fill to the recommended 190!
  7. Higgins Done a bit of searching myself on this and found a transmitter that barryvox do the S2 see link below. Looks quite a neat transmitter and doesn't sound like it is very expensive! It also looks like there is another manufacturer out there a french company called Nic-Impex? Couldn't find much on these. http://pistehors.com/backcountry/wiki/Gear...che-Transmitter Cheers! By the way if you look on bellman and flints website they have a parts list and you seem to be able to buy collars and all the spares separately. Be interested to hear how you go on with this littl
  8. The most ive had was eight. It was the only by luck as well. Me and my cousin used to ferret a patch with some nice open burys. one day we decided to take a look at a horrible piece of hawthorn hedge that we used to steer well clear off. We decided just to bung a ferret in to see what would shift and maybe push them on into easier holes. Got a mark in a tube way out from the hedge dug down and pulled a three out but couldnt reach the end of the tube so in with the ferret another mark a few foot on dug again another three same again and another two. I felt like david copperfield pullin em
  9. Link isnt working for some reason but if you put "coleman lamping" in the search on ebay it will come up!
  10. Seem to remember you were after a coleman lamp a while back: Look whats turned up on ebay 800-000-spot-light-lamping-shooting-lurchers_W0QQitemZ150179884512QQihZ005QQcategoryZ117112QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQ mdZViewItem" target="_blank">http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/coleman-800-000-spot...1QQcmdZViewItem Might be of interest to you?
  11. That particular spade looks like the ones bellman and flint do. http://www.bellmanandflint.co.uk/(S(puxygw...?product_id=902 I have a similar one but ot has a fibreglass shaft from tooled up. Quite a handy little tool. http://www.tooled-up.com/Product.asp?PID=17733 Not sure if the links will work? if not just cut and paste them into your address bar!
  12. Like this? http://s200.photobucket.com/albums/aa113/L...nt=100_1514.jpg http://s200.photobucket.com/albums/aa113/L...nt=100_1513.jpg Not for sale this is my backup lamp but wondered if the modle number etc would be of help?
  13. Pocket Rocket? Do you not mean Poachers Pocket
  14. Leadhead


    No problem mate. you just have to be carefull that you dont lose the spring and ball bearing inside when you strip it down! Fiddly little buggers!
  15. Leadhead


    I had the same problem with one of my magazines. I stripped it down and greased it up so that the magazine rotated smoothly and hey presto!
  16. Well i finally bit the bullet and parted with some hard earned cash £600 to be precise. I got an Air Arms S410K, 2 mags, BSA Contender 4-16 x 50 Scope, bipod, logun lamp with filter & 13L 300bar bottle and hose, all only 8 months old off the airgun BBS website. Been out and shot a few ferals and a rabbit so far can wait for a decent lamping night.
  17. Cheers lads thanks for the info! ratting addict excuse my ignorance but what do you mean by half halfs blueprinted ultra? sounds like double dutch to me?
  18. If you can find me a rapid with scope silencer and filling equipment for that money your doing better than i am :thumbs-up:
  19. Not really wanting to spend much more than £500 to £600 tops
  20. Looking to purchase an air rifle and looking through all the airgun magazines at the various deals available, its going to cost a pretty penny to get a decent set up with the PCP ar rifles and filling equipment. So i was looking at the possibility of getting a gas strut rifle such as the theoben evolution or fenman. Just wondered if anybody has had experience with these guns, what are your views and could anyone recommend a decent gas strut gun (at a decent price)?
  21. Deben Just noticed this on the deben website. They have updated the MK3 box with a pin pointer control to allow you to increase sensitivity and mute the volume so be carefull if your looking to upgrade your kit over the summer i would have of thought that this would be a very good addition to the design!
  22. Hi All new to the site but been lurking in the back ground watching for some time. Has anybody else come across the new deben LRT. Have they properly field tested this one or is it going to be same old story like the MKII box and collar? Deben
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