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Everything posted by k9delboy

  1. Took this bitch to be covered on Monday...all went well...she's going back tonight for second mating...i'll take a pic of the stud dog. The stud dog... dont get me rong mate that is a lovely looking russell my type of dog :thumbs: but it dosent look like he has seen much work i am not havein a dig at you mate cause the dog could be a sounder but any way nice dog ATB Very tidy dog, a wee bit wide on the front end like my boy but maybe just the photo, anyhow, he is a cracker and i would find room for him in my kennels. Good luck with the mating, should throw nice pups
  2. I Keep a couple of terriers similar to that nice wee bitch buddy, Del. Duffy and Rocky.
  3. Cheers ACEPACK, He is filling out to be a big strong lad, Del.
  4. Fat man, i dont mean to put any dog in a situation thats is impossible but here is an example. Last season hounds marked to ground to what i thought was a good wee spot. I slipped the bitch in and after she settled i got a mark of 4ft or so and started to dig. After i dug 4" of spoil i felt a clang. There was reinforced concrete here. This turned out to be an old air raid type shelter buried and it was nigh impossible to dig so i had to sit for around 2 hours before my wee bitch came out. Now, if this bitch had stayed i would have been knacked. I understand the point of having a dog to complet
  5. oohh i like that...very nice. My type of terrier mate, Del.
  6. Get in touch with Clachan mate, he works his an they are crackers, Del.
  7. her head off and doing what i want her to do which is to hold her quarry at bay. I have 7 dogs and like to try and give them all a go. Del Megan. You've had 28 foxes with her last season or in her whole working life? I was thinking the same thing, 28 over 8 years is 3.5 foxes a year. Not knocking it but its hardly a taxing workload. Cracking looking little bitch either way.
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