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About Fishin_mad

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    Rookie Hunter
  1. Yes, I use one all the time, using a reward system (i.e. a treat each time it came back) from an early age I trained mine to come to heel in two short blasts. Now this has been 'hard wired' in his brain we will immediately come back from 3 or 4 fields away on hearing it. I would also add that out of all the dogs I have owned, I have found given a bit of patience early on Lurchers are amongst the easiest to train to come back to the whistle.
  2. Can anyone suggest a cheap web site to buy a fitting kit and pop in red filter for my Cluson lamp. The cheapest I have found so far is £17.50 delivered. Thanks
  3. I think each dog is different, my 2 year old Beddi Lurcher took to my new ferrets like a drean, my Terrier just wants to kill them, so much so I have to have an electric fence round their hutch! I would be very careful and and see how the dog reacts. One note of caution I would never allow any of my dogs with ferrets in the open unsupervised.
  4. Thet look great dogs do people wok them in the UK? When I was in the Indian Jungle, we had camp dogs that looked very similar but Sandy coloured, there were quite preparded to take on a Lepord, Monkey or even elephant that came near the camp (sadly often paying with thier life in the case of an elephant). One of the guides tried to explain they were hunting dogs used for hare and had been bread in the villages of Southern India (I supect the breeding may not have been to selective!) Any idea what these could have been?
  5. I totally agree with you also the smaller ones last longer, I have had one going for around three months now (is this a record!!) , it seems to attract both big and small ones. Even better today it trapped a particularly nasty local that I ahve seen going through my hedges eating the song bird chicks in their next.
  6. My two Jills are doing the same thing so I'll give the toy ago. The Jill being mothered (i.e. draged back into the next area) has also started nipping me each time I handle her (totally out of charcter as usually loves being picked up).
  7. I have been on a number of exotic angling trips, if you spend a bit of time researching and talk to people on line you can do these trips far for far less money than you think. My whole trip to India for two weeks was less than £1,500 incuding equipment, specalist cloths, jabs, flights and spending money (specilist angling tour companies want around £3,500 ex eqioment and jabs for the same trip!! My next project is Taimen in Mongolia planning to go in Sept 09, If I can save enough money and get a pass from the wife Steve
  8. I went there specifically to catch a Golden Mahseer as it was a life-time dream of mine. The fish was weighed on Indian scales which moved between 55lb and 65lb however they were very ancient. Like you I was a bit sceptical about the weight, however since returning to the UK I have emailed the phto to a number of noted Mahseer Anglers all of which give it in give around 60lb. To give you some idiea of the strenght of these things you use an uptide rod, an ABU 10000 multiplier, 45 lb Berkley Big Game line, rRoofing Lead as weight and even with all this a 7lb fish strips of line as
  9. Where is the cheapest palce to buy a Deben Ferret Finder 3 on line? Also are the ones sold on Ebay seconds? Any help appreciated. Steve
  10. I alway understood Grass Snakes were venomus, however it has no effect on humans. If you a very small mamal or insect I think they are very venomus so not sure about the effect it may have on a dog. Steve
  11. I've been trying to buy two Sandy or Albino jills for about 3 weeks and can't seem to find any in the whole of Cambridgeire! Are you sure ther's that many about? Steve
  12. The Cauvery River about 5 hours from Bangalore here is s a pic of the accomodation and the river
  13. I thought you might enjoy a picture of a 60lb Mahseer I recently caught in on a trip to India (I know I enjoyed catching it). Steve
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