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Everything posted by Edgar

  1. Edgar


    Sorry all didn't mean to offend anyone. I don't shoot anything for no reason but a stoat killed a couple of hens a while back and so the farmer is understandably glad for me to shoot any I see near the hen runs. I leave them alone if they are in the middle of nowhere cause they do help with rabbit numbers.
  2. Edgar


    There are lots of stoats about at the minute and they were quite near the farmers chicken runs. I see nothing wrong with shooting a stoat with an air rifle if the chance presents itself. As for shooting the herons I love watching herons, I think they are amazingly graceful.
  3. Edgar


    Hi all. Just been out with the air rifle. Shot 3 rabbits but one kicked itself down a burrow, I could see it about 5ft down and quite dead, frustrating but the 2 I took home were lovely fat rabbits. I also saw two stoats running about. Should have tried to shoot one but I was too busy watching them, they are so entertaining! I also saw a flock of 7 herons flying over. Normally I only see 1 heron at a time, has anyone else seen herons in flocks before? Nice evening for it and a dinners worth of rabbits. Myxamatosis seems to have cleared up too.
  4. There was a bit in seatrout fishing by Hugh Falkus and he smoked seatrout in a tin. Can't remember how exactly and it was a library book.
  5. Hi, haunches from older deer are good if marinaded in the fridge overnight with wine and herbs. Then roasted. The marinading is probably not necessary for a calf.
  6. This is only my experience with my own gun but I find flatheads to be very accurate. The flatheads I use are RWS hobbys and find them good to about 35 yards and very hard hitting. I have used many good brands of domed pellets but like flatheads best. Just my own experience and opinion.
  7. I use RWS hobbys in .22 and find them to be very accurate and good for hunting.
  8. Edgar


    I have got John Darlings book on air rifle hunting and it is a cracking good read, what amazes me most is that he found time to write a book on sea fishing as well.
  9. I have an ancient HW 85 that I inherited and its still accurate but quite heavy. There are some junior models in the weihrauch range, I've never used any of them but weihrauchs are usually pretty good.
  10. Spring guns for me, don't want the hassle of charging up a PCP.
  11. The book was 'Poachers Way' I think, read it a while ago, the chap used syrup around the edges of the cone. Sounds like it might well work!
  12. Hello Everyone, I am new to the forum. I went out shooting on Saturday evening with my air rifle which is an weihrauch HW 57 with open sights, I shot five rabbits but one had myxamatosis so I left it where it was. Does anyone know if rabbits with myxamatosis can recover? Does anyone else use the same rifle as me ? and do they get on with it?
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