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Everything posted by Edgar

  1. Hi all, I have bought 5 ferrets. 4 jills and a hob, built them a good big run, had the hob vasectomised, bought some nets and made a load more. The bottom line being I cannot afford a locator. I do not want to catch hundreds of rabbits when I go ferreting just have a good days sport. I don't mind waiting an hour or 2 for a ferret to surface. I also have a live catch rat trap, (the one with the door activated by a treadle not the multi catch one) and thought I could set this to catch a ferret if I absolutely had to go home without one of my ferrets. Can I manage with out a locator? Do you?
  2. Hi all, is there any difference in accuracy between a center-fire rifle with a free floating barrel and a stutzen/full-stock rifle of the same make, model and caliber? Does the full-stock affect accuracy at all?
  3. Not a good idea with a spring powered gun. Can break the mainspring!
  4. Remember older rabbits will need longer cooking to stop them being tough.
  5. You could get a high power gas ram rifle, such as the Theoben eliminator. Its single shot but it doesnt need charging. Never owned 1 but it might be just what your looking for.
  6. If there was some form of "relaxed FAC" then presumably there would be an age limit as there is with a real FAC. This would make it more difficult for youngsters to get into air gunning. This would be harmfull to the sport of air gunning. So I dont think this "relaxed FAC" is a good idea.
  7. Well done, great job. What make is it? Does it shoot well?
  8. Wouldnt bother with a silencer, they are pretty quiet anyway.
  9. I once had the same happen to me. The rabbit ran 20 yards and collapsed stone dead. The pellet had hit it between the eye and the ear going throught the scull into the brain. This could be due to excess adrenalin in the rabbit?
  10. Weirauch HW35,57,77,,85,95,97,99. BSA Lightening, supersport. Air arms, TX200, Pro-sport. Havent used all of these but i know my Weirhauch is a good accurate gun. BSA range are good. Air arms springers are accurate but heavy. Try as many as you can and see what suits you best. If buying second hand look out for burred screws indicating the owner had been tampering with the gun, dont buy it if they have. If buying a second hand break-barrel check the barrel hinge is tight. Also if you can get a chance to fire it, do. Listen for loud bangs and watch for overly harsh recoil indicating the g
  11. Well done! I am so pleased to see Im not the only hunter still using open sights.
  12. Im interested in buying the rifle, and I live near Stranraer too! Have you still got the rifle?
  13. Sorry. I might try that. Thanks for the replies.
  14. A lot of you are very immature!
  15. But the cheek peice is not adjustable and the scope lense is pretty close to the air cylinder (about 5mm). I was thinking could there be some way of adding a bit to the cheek peice?
  16. RWS Hobby. They are accurate to about 25-30 yards in my air rifle and do a lot of damage to vermin!
  17. Hello everyone. I used to use my weihrauch HW 57 with the open sights, the cheek peice was exactly the right hight for me then. Now I have fitted a scope to the rifle the cheek peice is too low. The scope is a Bushnell 3-9 x 40. The scope mount is a 1 peice sportsmatch, medium height. the scope is about 5mm above the air cylinder. Does anyone know how I could raise the cheek peice to make the rifle easier to use with the scope fitted?
  18. Rabbit at 35 yards with Weihrauch 57 using the open sights. Hit just infront of the ear. Great gun by the way.
  19. I had an AGS tactical and was not very impressed, it didnt hold zero at all. I now have a Bushnell Trophy which is very good. You can buy a Bushnell Sportsman for under 50 pounds from JS Ramsbottom which is probly better value for money.
  20. The BSA superstar is an under lever unlike the lightening which is a break barrel.
  21. Hello everyone I am considering buying a 30-06 for general purpose deer stalking. What does everyone think of this caliber? Has anyone ever owned one? Any help much appreciated.
  22. I prefer springers. Mine is a Weihrauch hw57 it cost me 200 pounds. It has open sights so i used them rather than buy a scope. After a bit of practice I could get inch groups to about 25 yards so I made that my maximum range and shot lots of rabbits, pigeons, rats, crows a couple of hares and some stoats and weasels. Great sport all for 200 pounds. Say I buy a PCP for 400 pounds, I then have to buy 100 pounds of charging kit. They don't usually have open sights so I have to buy a scope and mounts another 100 pounds! 600 pounds! 3 times the price. I don't think I would shoot three times as much
  23. Edgar

    2 questions.

    Hi all. I have permission to take cock phesants on my patch. I would rather eat a phesant head shot with an air rifle than one which has been shot gunned any day!
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