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Everything posted by hiho

  1. JSR http://www.jsramsbottom.com/cgi-bin/jsr.cg...PD/A_bipods.HTM
  2. Why dont we hire the IRA to sort the taliban for us
  3. Why are you complaining abought porn
  4. you can send a dog in to retreave a animal if its bean shot badly. so what if you shoot it and your not sure if you have hit it or 'not' so you send your dog in So the moral of the story is when your after hares take a gun and say your lurcher is a retreaver and fire shots of every now and then so people dont suspect anything. Or be like everyone in my area and take a lurcher and say fu*k it
  5. dont cry have have a milkshake :wankerzo4:
  6. hiho

    mj funeral

    when his coffin thing was on tv with all them people they should of put a michael jackson lookalike inside it and have him jump out and start dancing to thriller
  7. A two wheeler with a towbar ? looked at the quad version looks better http://www.ecorider.com/template.php?page=13
  8. WOW youv SEEN them being shot which automaticly means you no everything BSA Lightnings have so much recoil when i fire one i do 5 backflips and knock my self out cold i think you need to do more :weight_lift2: :weight_lift2:
  9. I've got a Webley Stingray Carbine which Is really well built.. Butch my longbow is solid my mates lightning feels like a toy after picking that up
  10. If you have the money a Theoben SLR 98 would be good
  11. hiho


    Two words PRESSURE WASHER blast the feckers out and the hive with them
  12. Smoke + Dogs + spade = dead rats
  13. Or C.U.N.T for short
  14. thank you for that i thought he would have said when he was asking about his gun but he never sais anything about been supervised at all he shouldnt have to say that hes asking a question not giving you his life story
  15. you mean this http://www.securityarms.com/20010315/galle...es/0800/850.htm
  16. hiho

    Lightest PCP?

    :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
  17. you forgot to mention its shooting 8ft lb
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