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Everything posted by Quasar

  1. yeah its pay per view... send me a Pm and ill give you a linky for a free stream, VGQ
  2. Also make sure you cut the nails the right way. which is Horizontally. as this give a straight flat edge and comfortable for the ferret. if you cut down vertically, you are actually creating a narrow point going down and can be uncomfortable as more pressure is put on that point. I hope this helps.
  3. i have a mild asthma and was told to get rid of my 23 ferrets. i said u can sod right off. my asthma is manageble. i didnt say we also have 2 dogs, 2 cats, 7 chickens also i developed my asthma from a shitty air/con unit at my last place before i had ferrets etc. only had the one dog
  4. for our crew of 23 furballs we use pine shavings - dust extracted. 120 Litres compressed bales here £6.25
  5. Sorry to hear about that. All 3 of my dogs are insured from the day go. 1 x Dalmation 11 years old 1 x English Springer Spaniel 5 months old 1 x Collie German Shepard 5 years old
  6. ferretsmagazine.com i beleive they have just finished their last paper magazine and is all now online. There are some USA one that are still circulating and you can overseas order. My girlfriend used to.
  7. are they young Angora Ferrets.. my girlfriend loves the look of Angoras.
  8. Quasar

    best lube

    you wanna look up ID Juicy Lube, they cum ( excuse the pun ) in lots of flavours and are edible. yummy.
  9. Quasar

    broken toe

    tape your broken tow up with a toe next to it, this will feel weird at first but will help it keep straight and set better. I did this and worked for me, i broke one of my toes cos i dropped a brick on my foot and cursed the brick by kicking it, not sure which broke my toe but either way OW it hurt.
  10. Ooo be careful, GHD are known to have crap wiring i guess yours coul dbe a 2005 model or around when all the wiring was terrible and they never did a recall. The carckling could be the wires shorting. if hubby knows what hes doing with plugs here ya go : http://www.ghd-repair.co.uk/cable_replacement_3.1b.html But id buy a new one anyway for the weekends
  11. ooooohhh man. when the engine came of i dropped my cup of tea in hysterics
  12. I work in Security in all areas in the web. I will mention this regarding forums. How often do you get posts saying : Show Us ya Guns Show Us ya Courst Show Us ya Garden Show uS ya Rods etc etc etc get my point. Now and thieving git, who has a computer and a bit of cleverness only needs to read these threads and sometimes get lucky as to working out where some of you are posting live and can see what u got, speacially if youve posted garden pics. this is one reason i never ever post any images up of anything i own or even use any real information on posts. anyway.. a
  13. they are bloody good - my gf has one a 2007 model makes her look a little less ugly
  14. Quasar


    DO NOT INSTALL AVG 8 seriously trust me - i work in security and they fkcued up. If you want decent FREE AV http://www.avast.com/eng/avast_4_home.html If you willing to pay a little www.eset.co.uk NOD32 this is what I use as well as my own security measures. Regards Q.
  15. Quasar


    as some one abive mentioned. There will/should 2 little knob dial on the back for timer/day/dusk put em on min or mist it - poof.
  16. we have 25 ferrets ( show, not working ) and Purchase Large Bags of : Merlin Ferret Food 20kg JWB 20kg Go Cat 20kg about £70 the lot Mix the lot up in even helpings and air-tight store them in plastic drums. Lasts ages.
  17. fur and feather in Ely charge bottles - fella has a huge scuba type bottle for charging with all connectors. http://www.fur-n-feather.com/
  18. i find it quite sad that we actualyl HAVE to put warning signs up. "Hey there scum, this pole is covered in slippery black stuff, i suggest you break in another way" we might as well say that !!!!
  19. With all the talk of 9 million people being potentially worse off with car tax, how will it affect 4x4s ? I am hopefully going to purchase this year a Nissan Navara somewhere between 54 to 56 plate or L200 Animal/Warrior same age. I understand the tax at present for these is £180 per annum and sometime at work ( who often talks out his arse ) says it will be £3000 This will be for private use, as i have 3 kids and 2 dogs and we often go camping. so suits us very well. Thank you for you time.
  20. used to play it when CS 1st came out as was part of a decent clan. Moved on to Black Hawk Down cos there was too many scum f**k cheaters. I more or less play World of Warcraft full time now with lots of PVP
  21. this might be useful http://www.protectingyourself.co.uk/
  22. People who have to cheat on Computer Games - really pushes me over the edge. They are very very crap and they cheat to make themselves look good - rather pathetic really. And those pesky horrid hard plastic type packaging that you have to open with scissors and still cut your hand pulling it apart.
  23. I have heard those hard plastic spiky things to stop pigeons sitting on walls are ok to use. many moons ago a friends did just this who lived in terraced housing ( middle section ) and he agreed with neighbour to put some of this on the wall to stop the birds. some many months later a low life pond scummed moron ( thief ) was legging it over fences being chased by police and ow ow ow the silly bugger went when he tried to clamber the pigeon-stop spikes - Police actually said Thanks for putting that down here you go.... http://www.pigeonstop.co.uk/default.asp?pa...CFQTalAodOitr
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