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Chris St. MH

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About Chris St. MH

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  • Birthday 06/07/1965

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  1. The bit about spooking and being easily knocked off zero makes me think you're thinking of a laser rather than a red dot sight. The reader just means a low 1.0 - 1.5X powered sight that you look through and past with both eyes - you see a red dot in the distance due to your binocular vision. The sight doesn't actually 'project' a dot if you see what I mean. The Swedish company 'Aimpoint' was one of the first and most successful exponents of these sights - their unique selling point was being parralax free (though some of their recent sights aren't at very short ranges - you have to keep the d
  2. The licences only ever (as far as I know) applied to wild birds.
  3. Scotland issues its own licences with some differences in the species listed (last time I looked Canada Geese weren't on the pest list in Scotland but House Sparrow and Starling still were). Here you go: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Environm...l-licences/2008
  4. It's very good stuff and the cleaning regime you describe above is exactly what I use (except I add a last patch with oil if I'm putting the rifle away).
  5. You can get aftermarket synthetic stocks for the CZ452/3. If Edgar Brothers would sell barrelled actions (whihc AFAIK they don't) it might even be competitive with the Sako.
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