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Everything posted by Ben.c

  1. hi all, great news, patterdale was able to put me in touch with Len after checking me out, it's great to have me grandad back. many thanks & major big-up's to patterdale. thanks to every1 who sent supportive pm's & post's, those who had teir doubt's I appretiate the concern & those who just wanted to be nasty.........well i need say no more really. once again thanks very much all
  2. Ben.c


    3 Guy's sitting in a pub talking about their wive's, comparing them to bird's of the feathered variety. the first say's " my wife is like a robin, because she has nice breast's and is very friendly". The second man say's "my wife is like a cockateil, because she is very nice to look at but sqwaulk on a bit". The third man say's " my wife's like a thrush because she's an irritating c**t".
  3. trader, thats the best idea i've seen. i'll do it a.s.a.p
  4. thanks for that idea ditch_shitter, i'll give that a try, halfinch, I'm not taking people for mug's, thats against my nature, some people have been very helpful considering that i've been trying to locate personal info, i did see all about him being sent down, i just mis-read the date's
  5. scratch my last post, sentancing was last august!! defo dont want to shoot him!
  6. Thanks for the link slickdicko, just discovered that Len was sentaced to 12 month's the other day, i feel gutted now. he'll probably be out in 6 & i'll be waiting.
  7. samba, my nan's maiden name was norris, slickdicko, your post makes no sense & i dont like ant's anyway so stamp away!!!!
  8. o.k, I appretiate that a lot of you guy's have doubt's, but I swear i'm genuine & not a trouble maker. To be honest, I dont care about hunting, pheasants or whatever else you guys talk about on this site, I'm just a guy who is trying to track down his last grandparent. For those of you that know Len, the last time I had contact with him, he was living in a village called Cellen, near Lampeter in Wales. He had just been abandend by his wife (my nan) Dinah, this was about 9 - 10 years ago. I spoke to him shortly after that when he mentioned that he thinking of moving to Hereford. By the way
  9. Hi all, my name is Ben Colyer, I've been trying to trace my grandad Len French, after doing an internet search i found this site and was shocked by the news i discovered, if anybody can give me any info or contact or otherwise i@d be very grateful, Thanks.
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