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About searcher

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    Born Hunter

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  1. Malaseb shampoo works real well,or a good quality anti fugal shampoo.Be careful as spreads real easy,as already said.I would destroy any kennels that the infected dog has slept in to,good luck.
  2. I did not mean for rhabdomyolysis,I meant that's what I do after hard work to replace what's lost.sorry to hear your dog had it to I've just been reading up on it.
  3. I would recommend feeding within half hour to forty mins of any hard work out if possible so the muscle is not used to replenish the dogs depleted stores.obviously the dog will be well cooled down by then.
  4. http://www.whichdogfood.co.uk/dog-food-ingredient-glossary.php good bits on there chook1.
  5. I've noticed chicken MEAL as main ingredient in the puppy but as CJ said the record breaker is chicken as main ingredient.I would be interested to hear a reply to the question you asked them CJ,an E-Mail is not much to ask surely.
  6. Try lawsonanimalfeeds.co.uk. They deliver for a reasonable price.
  7. I think everyone has had some type of regrets concerning dogs if there honest.
  8. I would get a push bike trot him at the side and try and burn some of that energy.
  9. I would try a real small kennel if it's doing it in its bed as uru said above.
  10. Thanks for posting OTC .And cheers for info lads.one of the gins is 5 inch.make good ornaments going to keep a eye out for more.
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