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Everything posted by val

  1. val, from gr ch badger from boudreaux bloodline? nice dog. No mate no boudreaux in him he was badger x patrick lines he was off S/W (Bo) gr/ch Badger
  2. val, from gr ch badger from boudreaux bloodline? nice dog. No mate no boudreaux in him he was badger x patrick lines
  3. my father was killed by a drunk driver when I was only a kid 18 months old I was Im now 47. the van mounted the pavement and ran him over so as far as Im concerned there's no excuse for it
  4. fair play to you giveing it a home are you keeping it
  5. the pup settleing in great she is a good gruber and full of life
  6. well John got the bow box and nets today great job well made box and great service thanks very much John
  7. sorry to read you have to sell the pup Iv the litter sister to yours a black merle I call her tinker she is coming to her name now and retrieves a toy or sock very clever for her age and settled in well after her journey across the pond to Ireland anyway best of luck with the sale hope you get a good home for her
  8. val


    scum thats all them 3 b***ards are
  9. great read though I was there looking at it must be great crack running them coyotes
  10. first pet was a goldfish when I was about 6 first dog was a yorkshire terrier when I was 8 years old he was killed by a german shepard when he was 10 years old Im now 47 years old
  11. just watched the vid dogs better off away from them
  12. To true but Thats the trouble mate people DONT THINK
  13. val


    this is my pup on the left faceing camera she out of chippers Nell
  14. one we caught a couple of weeks ago it had a white collar to
  15. I meant just take him to the pubs im banned out of and then try and get in he is just a small man, nothing to look at, they wouldnt know what had hit them Well you know what they say its not the size of the man in the fight its the size of the fight in the man.glad he decked that FOOL
  16. Id go back to the mid 70s to see Adams ch Zebo win over ch Greaser and if I could intervene buy him after it
  17. val

    Anyone Into

    could not agree more with you well said
  18. val


    hope he takes them to the cleaners
  19. well done hope he keeps improving for you but tell me your joking about spending the night on the couch and the f**ken dog in the bed lol
  20. A few weeks ago I was offered a dog pup it was from a accidental mateing of a greyhounf bitch and a rottie dog there was only one dog pup in the litter might be still there if anyone is interested
  21. Mike Brown is not from Ireland he is in N Wales
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