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ferret kid

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Everything posted by ferret kid

  1. You did the sensible thing Tommy a mature decision in one so young ,[judging by your photo].! thanks mate but thats my son ( ferret kid ) in the pic,, im camera shy lol..
  2. HI im ferret kid just want to see some pic how some of us young hunters went last season ATB Ferret Kid
  3. here's the song i'll b listen all day cuz i love it ATB Ferret Kid
  4. a irish terrier mate but thats my say
  5. I though it was just me now i no its every one
  6. just wondering if any 1 on the form plays counter strike source ferret kid I do ATB
  7. hi i joined last nite here 's mine bebo band http://www.bebo.com/daweehunter4life cheak it out
  8. galway girl just thought that because u are from ireland lol
  9. same here wonder why same here ,,,, i think we might have to be added as a friend to be able to view it it might be set at private . heres my addie if u want it lol http://www.bebo.com/daweehunter-07
  10. i no some body who has one just like that same colour and all . i think its beddy X bull X grey or beddy X bull X wippet not sure Ferret kid
  11. I play counter strike source very good game on computer try to give it a bash IMO Ferret Kid
  12. very nice ferrets hope they do the job Ferret kid
  13. Yo momma is so fat when she put on her yellow rain coat everyone shouts thats a big taxi
  14. Does anyone no why it doesn't let Me opst a new topic on the young hunters part Thanks Ferret kid
  15. Very Nice , pics there Like the Pics Of The Kits Ferret Kid
  16. youve got a couple nice looking jills there mate Thanks Mate Ferret Kid
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