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About kieron1980

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. If they dont meet the standard they will be getting culled.So hopefully they will tuzo
  2. Thankyou francolin ive put some eggs on ebay from these birds,Shame for them to go to waste as i only have one incubator with eggs in already
  3. Hi navek they are last years birds mate
  4. Thanks chaps really appreciate it .already got a good clutch off these birds in incubator hope i get something decent off these birds thanks kieron
  5. Are you a member on the ko group claude.I got five hens and two stags off him
  6. Yes they were claude.Imported from belgium
  7. They have a boat leaving from exmouth.we were catching mackeral in large numbers pal
  8. Bonny little pup pal all the best with him
  9. I use an acme 210 half pal
  10. kieron1980


    I want to know the child of course I do if I'm proven to be the father .i also want custody which in going to fight for in court to get my name put on the birth certificate the child's mum is now a druggie and alcoholic the social services are aware of this and have a child protection plan on her .theres no way I'm giving her money to fuel her drug habit. Thanks kieron
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