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Everything posted by Tracy36

  1. I work shifts. take the laptop work.
  2. think i just messed myself! they are mint dogs and arent just lookers judging by whats on the pics
  3. sweet and a looker. looking at getting beddyx myself sometime next year. hope it does the business. good luck
  4. sorry to hear about your dog. RIP Billy
  5. how ugly is he???????????????? so ugly he's very cool. hope he has a name that suits him and his saving grace is that hes an excellent worker. good on him. can't judge a book by its cover
  6. took the words out of my mouth earthpig! ought to send the pics off...
  7. and you train your bitches well Mark. impressed you've taught the patt to drive! lol
  8. nice dogs RIOHH, may have to pinch that one of all three dogs to paint/draw i think, with your permission of course that is.
  9. Tracy36

    New Pup

    lovely pup, me envious, what about ASBO
  10. nice pics, thank for posting
  11. ? is there any particular reason why you haven't asked if anyone has a dog of nuttall lines and is willing to do business? no offence meant, just curious
  12. Tracy36


    nice kennels delboy, love the hanging baskets touch! and nice pics meerihunter. made me smile
  13. decent guy. shown me nothing but kindness and respect despite being a newbie female on the forum (unlike some I could mention on here) and for that I'll always have time for mark. He is passionate about his dogs and knows his 'business' and as it is a hunting forum I do enjoy his posts. He may make numerous postings but so do others but they seem to go un-noticed by others. He also has the good fortune to be able to live a hunting life that others can only dream about. He's proud, northern, outspoken and lucky. So deal with it. (was that ok mark, can I have my fiver now?) lol
  14. a little arrowroot power mixed with a bit of water binds (stops the tom tits) while stomach settling on new foods
  15. good read that and 'patience glasshopper' lol
  16. cool, you don't hear a tale like this often, that a dog has been 'returned to its rightful owner. lads got away lightly tho. as its been said before ( makes you wonder if this was their first exploit or not)
  17. Tracy36

    proud dad

    congrats and best wishes to you all
  18. well done lad, good start. and well done the girls!
  19. there was a lot of clapping when we landed and I kissed the ground with most the other passengers! lol
  20. adventures on hols? well............ nearly crashing in an aeroflot plane in russia (only time i prayed out aloud), nearly getting arrested at the russian/latvian border control (trouble over passport, nearly dragged out the car by armed military), been kicked out of chicago airport by security (that was funny), strip searched at belgium airport, little bit of interogation at Latvian airport, questioned and searched in caribbean, stalked and set upon in ladies toilets whilst at a night club by local lovelies in estonia (i think they were prostitues and they thought i had poached their punters
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