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Everything posted by Tracy36

  1. Cheers mate so now comes the question dog or bitch or are they equal as a bitch would suit me better Supposedly A good bitch these days is hard to find, a good bitch the lasting kind. that last line looks as though it has come out of a r&b song!!! ha ha sorry !
  2. sickening to think someone can do this to a kid, TW*T!!!!!!!!!!!!!! any pics matey, Im not far from you keep an eye out atb
  3. looks like you had a cracking time lads. liking the dogs
  4. mice by my reckoning kay.
  5. they can be rude and senseless. a woman who lives near to me has two minature german pincshers (don't know how to spell it and Im tired) and they gang up on my patt. Who like any game patt will tear them apart given the chance. The owners have allowed the dogs to get away with this behaviour for two and half years, whereas I have worked sooooo hard with my dog to get him to 'leave it' when we see other dogs that give him the come on. And I know he can be a piece of work, but we've got to the point where he will grumble under his breath and then turn his head and walk off. However, the owner of
  6. fun all the way! I think....I can almost see the dogs grinning. nice job......ace, smelly wet muddy dogs.....can't beat 'em!
  7. good to hear on the mend x
  8. Tracy36

    only in telford

    horse freedom movement........funny. would have like to have seen plod rounding them up
  9. lol i thought it was "you're only gay if you get caught" lol damn.....im doubly gay!! :11:
  10. can't win 'em all matey, better luck next time. spot on with the write up (looks bloody muddy in the pics)
  11. don't do half as much as I would like (to change soon) but what I do get up to is no one elses business. schtum.
  12. does it make me a very bad person if I say I like it?????? yay ive got more rights now :-)
  13. Tracy36

    Crufts 2009

    i pulled something like that out my shower drain last week! Seriously, i did see on the news last week that some bulldog breeders are going back to old 'standards' but others adamant there is nothing wrong with the current standards. they are sticking to the deformed variety. selfish irresponsible owners /breeders
  14. you believe what they keep telling you oh....my.....god. You mean to say that, after all this time........you mean.......Im gay!!!!
  15. ohhhh donk, was interested until you mentioned THAT word.......... submissive! spoilt it. and im more into 'manfracturing'
  16. think i read or someone told me that the bitch 60% dominant. but don't quote me, could be wrong (yes men, a woman admitting that she MAY be wrong)
  17. sorry about your dog. no problems here, not heard of any others either.
  18. yeah, she'll do. nice pup. atb with her
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