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Everything posted by Tracy36

  1. oh and a nickname for the morning after when the beer goggles have worn off and you find yourself with someone who has a face like a bag of smashed crabs, " mate, he/she was an arm chewer!"
  2. if you've been out in the rain you get as 'wet as an otters pocket'. to someone whos bow legged (sorry to all those out there who are bow legged) 'could'nt stop a pig in an entry'.
  3. lol simoman, well I thought it was funny anyways!!!! I had to look twice
  4. lol I'll be the first to admit that I can be loud and proud and own it!!!!!!
  5. gaz, may want to look on the sales section or under 'general talk' on the forum.
  6. gaz, welcome to the site. (check out my 'bob the pat' in the members gallery)
  7. with ya there ditch. and that smell! and bluecoyote, my sisters coloured horse is as daft as a brush and a big brute, but as gentle as anything. he likes nothing better than laying down in the field at night with his head in ya lap being stroked!
  8. Hi matt and welcome. look forward to seeing your pat.
  9. a swell to my bussom and a tear in my eyes for noble working dog!!! quite moving socks
  10. Tracy36

    Here's Mine!

    Sue, nice to see you taking health and safety issues very seriously there!! lol
  11. I too join the ranks of the infamous mo fos!!!!!
  12. criminal justice system needs overhauling, police do what they can, make a case stick then are let down in court. carry a weapon (for no good reason) should be an indication that have intention to use it, tougher sentences in tougher institutions. Good as a deterrent, if they have bugs up their arses, put them all in fight cages and let them kick the s**t out of each other fair and square. So soft nowadays they don't know how to fight without weapons. my rant ha ha saw the news report the other night and a young lad pulled a meat cleaver out of his trackie bottoms and went to put it back in
  13. fantastic looking dogs and pics. Anymore for any more?
  14. Hi dingo. a long shopping list!!!!! I m sure you will enjoy the site
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