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About alaunte

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. Love your hunting write up's Ned. Good to see your back.
  2. If it's legal in the country your hunting in you shouldn't have no problem coming back in to britain with marked up dog's as long as they've had medical care. Let your vet know what your doing and get in touch with DEFRA. They need to be wormed 24hr's before coming back.
  3. @ AKA-BRINDLE. You forgot to mention they are feed on New born babies and fluffy kitten's and at night let out to roam the street's stalking young virgin's so as too drink their blood. Atb. Mr wright.
  4. Sorry lian wrong one,oop's. Gull terrier pm your number mate.
  5. Lietome there cracker's mate. Best of luck bud.
  6. Mate has seen both at work,rate's the alaunte. Not a patch on a good jagd though lol.
  7. Yes I would say. Simular to a good working strain of dogo.
  8. So you bred two show dog's,produced a constatutionaly and mentaly weak pup you admit you couldn't use more than once a wk and now you wish you had her to breed and create a line from,interesting. Me personally,I'd call that a cull but hay ho. Now to top it off you then admit you run two dog's on roe. (Lurcher section: preban deer. )Very sporting of you. All we need now are a few more tale's of how people know a man who had an uncle who's best friend's cousin had a bull terrier and it was thick ,slow and nasty and we'll be getting somewere. A.T.B.
  9. May have some on the mat (so to speak) in a while. Will put pic's up of dame and sire when I get the chance. Atb...
  10. Mate has subaru rb320,had some work done on it:510 bhp with just under 550lb ft of tourque. Very nice bit of kit. Saw a ford anglia the other wk being worked on for top gear (think it will be on there next year,they're still working on it) mad thing.
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