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About ukshooter

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    Rookie Hunter

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    all types of countrysports
  1. thats one funny lookin duck!
  2. bend and let the breeze sort it, on a warm day 10 mins should do the trick followed by rubbibg your cleft down a sapling to remove any offendind dried on clag nuts
  3. stinging nettles are the real mans choice, although not so nice on the beanbag!
  4. excellent pics, just a bit off topic what camera did you use?
  5. New to this forum lark but its very addictive! ive also joined pigeonwatchforums.co.uk great bunch made me feel very welcome, hope to learn a bit off here now as well!
  6. sitting under a big bunch of trees with an air rifle i can sometimes get 100% always depends on conditions though
  7. I must say i prefer the 410 these days, good for pigeons just need to get used to the gun first thats all
  8. lookup "salisbury keeper" on www.pigeonwatchforums.co.uk I know he has some excellent hare and pigeon ground and will prob take you out for free
  9. divvys like that ruining the sport for the rest of us!
  10. Im going to have to give scotland a go this year looks great!
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