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Everything posted by earthpig

  1. Any one out last night with lamp really windy with me lets hope for more nights like this
  2. Hold her back mate you can start them to young i know what its like it a long time waiting for them till their ready try some reatreves some where on your own with no distractions ?
  3. Some great pics mate you must be a pro photographer???? send some to earth dog running dog i bet they would gladly print some . Nice pair of dogs their good hunting
  4. Beddy greyhound or whippet cross or colie greyhound type why not see if you can go out with a few pals and see how their lurchers perform and make your own choise but probly beddy grey or whipet cross would suit best
  5. Just wondering what lamp would you say is best on market at moment, i am using clulite but would like a nice tight powerful beam with no spread the clulite is ok but would like some other veiws
  6. Bargin stick it on here for sale and watch the bids flood in definatly a bargin
  7. Hope your boys first ferriting trip goes well its important to introduce youngsters to hunting not like some of the clingers who only enter the hunting world give us a bad name and move on to destruct something else good hunting pal
  8. These are just pure white with dark eyes no other coulours , good shooting any way butty
  9. Can anyone remember or know a guy who bought some black with white flashes on chest patterdale type terriers in mid 90 s from mid wales the two bitches were called TINA & SCRUFFY they came from some cracking stock I am just trying to see if i can trace the type down , the guy bought them of me had a mark 1 escort estate if i remember any one recall?????
  10. Definatly keep them well fed regular hard work will take its toll on any beast youll know if their to fat or unfit only you can make a judgement on your terrriers pal Keep on digging
  11. had some huge ones one night while lamping a farm in some feilds where sheep feeding on sweddes or something to fatten up it certanly worked on the rabbit population
  12. Start it of out side straight away ive never had any problems you might get a bit of whining for the first night dont give in or you will regret it feed it well and regular you be fine
  13. I just recently got whipetx beddy/colie/grey and a bedyxcolie/grey as i had bull cross and wanted to get some ideal rabbiters to bring my young son into hunting they are 7mths now just had them out on ferreting trip and where really keen going to try them on lamp around xmas time ? dont want to push them to soon ,any opinions greatly acepted
  14. Thats a realy good idea ill remember that one cheers
  15. Dont know if i would take one same as black ones an old man told me bad luck to take em (old wives tale??)
  16. Some great pics should consider sending some into earth dog running dog magazine(or simular) i am sure they would gladly exept some good action shots like yours keep it up
  17. Has anyone come across white rabbits NOT pet ones wild white ones ive seen plenty of black over the years this year me and my son have spoted some white ones ,the local farmer says some got free some 20 years or more ago mixed with the wild ones and every few years some white thow backs appear
  18. Some great pics you should consider sending some in to mags such as earth dog running good ACTION shots keep it up
  19. I think as long as its from good working stock of genuine terrier men J R are as good as you get ,Every one has their favorites ive seen some good uns and bad as long as they do the task you want thats all that matters : :
  20. I think SKY would be a good name as thats blue sometimes?
  21. I am not a twitcher i looked in british bird book sorry
  22. Hi it looks like a spotted red shank
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