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whip x grey

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Everything posted by whip x grey

  1. put in your location,,,u might get respose to folk in your area
  2. the top of the toon pub,,is near track side,,,its now called THE DINNING ROOM ,,appartly they do a good barr lunch,,,the women can sit in there and pool table for kids,,they can spend yer money ,,while your excirsing yer four legged buddys,
  3. thats cause doge77 is The phantom poacher aboot these parts,,you only see him if he wants you too just kidding nice photos scott,,,all work no play at momment maybe next time ill get oot
  4. pleanty small dogs will take them pre ban,,i think more will be kick ups than anything else if the small dog aint a very quick runner the long slip ,,the small dog has to be on them fast ,,and the terrain has to be kind off on there side,,,plus side the little dogs do kind of stick on them like super clue lol
  5. blood comming from humans ,,,very bad news dogs its not but to make ur dog more comfortble till it passes go to vet ,,,dog will have high temp,ect ect ,,,last time this happened to one of mine ,,,couple of injections ,,,one to take temp down,,other was anitbotics,,,and trust me the blood was flowing out in buckets
  6. Council Plummer eh Maybe not the easiest jobs but Definately 2 of the best was a football on off the ball. He's went from playing football to being a cameraman on babe station now that's living the dream not bad guess 50% correct,,,wrong with plummer thou,,,iam a mud slinger,
  7. sometimes ,,i sighn in at the office,get my jobs for the day,do time sheet takes about 10mins ,,,then feck off home,,and take the mutts oot for a mooch ,,,while earning at the same time
  8. £50 ,,doesnt keep peddlars away,,infact thats even better,,buy one already to go for £50,,sell by the end of the week for £200
  9. go for the one that looks healthy,,basically the one thats bouncing about ,,as pups should be at that age and take ur time as litter might have just woken up,,,basically tell lad to put kettle on lol
  10. your kidding ,,,paddy could not ,,help produce something as pretty as stella
  11. blair athol i think remeber that program,,,i heard,,head keeper i got told got the boot few year later??? it was good watch ,,,and was it focused on the last private army ,,which ammounted for 10 soldiers lol,,,,if its the program iam thinking off
  12. 5mins in the beam,,,either ur chasing them in motor,,round round the feild,,,,or they are just running round and round the same feild,,,and cant find the exit round and round the merry go round ,,,hinding in corners of the feild canny find the exit ,,,its tooooo dark ,,,lol
  13. see what happens this year denned,,,iam thinking off taking a back seat this year,,and let the other,s take control i know the wedesday nights worked well ,,,as u had greyhound men ,,whippet racers and lurcher guys,,it sort of worked cos it freed them up to excirse there dogs mid week,,,then off to there repective show,s or racing clubs at weekend
  14. calm down ,,,big bad david its only half way threw the hunting season lol,,,are u running oot of rabbits lol in the spring
  15. welcome to the mad hoose bud there,s a good few from angus on here the birth place of dog men iam sure thats what the road sign says when driving into angus
  16. maybe average out about 18 to 20 inch maybe i dont see them being all to quick ,,,,but then again i have,nt seen a 1st cross in these , so can really comment on them,,,,,ooop,s i just did lol
  17. whip/grey topic has been done tooo death mate u could do a search if you have doubts about them,,,then there not the breed for u mate
  18. pocket rocket,,,i think u call them,,,meant to be sent down to brian,,,but aarron kept her,,,,lol,,,some mate he is lol
  19. THANKS DUDE,,,,my lens is totally shagged now ,,,,but when i took that pic off brian ,,,i thought i could do somthing way that make it look more intresting
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